

Oh please, this woman has a long history of these intoxicated antics. One time and everyone is willing to let it go. I frankly think the world is a safer place that this lunatic is finally dead.


Why are people so eager to spout off a, 'But what about...'? Like, let one incident be its own thing and let another incident be its own thing. Not everything has to be compared to everything else.


It is because you've got a lot of nutty Heche fans that are trying to come up with a way to defend her criminal actions. Sadly they are grasping at straws. Unless they can find another drunk driver that committed a hit and run then crash again burning up some poor innocent bystanders house, where no one thought it was wrong... well there is nothing they can compare it to legitimately. But they'll try.


tell that the politics board
99% of the posts are 'But what about...{insert name from the opposite side}'




I think there was more sadness. After all, he wasn't driving.


There was, but not nearly as much IIRC.

I never understood that. He willingly participated in racing through the city like a maniac and people act like we lost this pure angel.

What kind of CUNT risks other people's lives like that?



Anne showed her butthole in Psycho, so I'm team Heche.


Paul Walker was a passenger you fucking retard.


I hope she's getting raped by the Devil in hell.
