The right practically orgasmed over Morgan Freeman's advice, but they didn't realise it applies to them too.
Watch this video:
They particularly love the parts where he says the way to end racism is to stop talking about it, and "I'm gonna stop calling you a white man, and I'm gonna ask you to stop calling me a black man".
But the left and right both need to take this advice. They're both obsessed with race, they think everything is about race, when almost nothing is.
The Will Smith incident is the perfect example. It has nothing to do with race, but the right just won't stop talking about race in relation to it.
Of course that's not the only example. Whenever a black person is in a movie, the right thinks it's "woke". Whenever a black person gets a job, or wins something, the right thinks it's due to white guilt. There are many other examples.
No, I'm not talking about all right wingers.