MovieChat Forums > Morgan Freeman Discussion > Your favorite Morgan Freeman roles

Your favorite Morgan Freeman roles

I grew up watching him on the Electric Company. Watched it everyday from around 6yrs old to 10. He was the best part of it. Hes been apart of my entire life. He's one of my favorite actors. What are your favorite roles hes played? My list and why

1)Invictus-Nelson Mendela

He morphed right into Mendela in that movie. Biggest ripe off of all time how he didnt win an oscar for best supporting actor for that one. I love that movie mainly due to him.

2)Lean on me-Principle Joe Clark

So inspiring in this. Showed he was a lead man, an a great actor.

3)Shawshank Redemption. "Red"

Another inspiring role. Another rob of an oscar. I hope Andy and Red created a nice little resort in Mexico, they deserved it.

4)Glory Sgt Major John Rawlings.

The scene where he put Denzel in his place was amazing acting by both. One of my favorite movies of all time.

5) Million Dollar Baby Scraps

Played the role of a broke down fighter so well. So funny how he could get under Clint's skin in that movie. Loved it when he decked Anothey Mackies character.

6)Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. Azeem

What a great man in that. A complete badass with a scimitar, can do a c section to deliver a baby, and get fresh water to a village. Morgan and the late great Alan Rickman made that movie.

7)Se7en Sommerset

He just makes a great cop. Intelligent and devoid of emotion in that movie.

8)Bruce Almighty God

He was funny in it. Shows hes more then just a character actor. I would have no problem if hes there on my judgement day

9)Unforgiven Ned Logan

He really was a good man stuck in a bad situation. Once again, stoled the show from Clint. Then again an Orangatan stoled the show from Clint twice.

10)This was then This is now Charlie Woods.

Havent seen this movie in a long time. Underrated 80's film. Stoled the show again.

For some stupid reason I have never seen Driving Miss Daisy. Dont know why, love history movies. I never see it on HBO anymore. Why that role isnt on the list.

Thoughts, other great roles I am missing?

Lawrence of Arbia, he was an English guy who came to fight the Turkish




Shawshank, a very smart man who found another very smart man and decided to be friends with him.

Driving Miss Daisy, as an accomplished black actor he chose to portray someone like his great grandfather would have been. That took courage. He decided to show that Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat


Gone Baby Gone deserves a mention.


His breakthrough role in Street Smart. As a thriller it’s not very memorable - a typical trashy ‘80s potboiler, with a poor central performance by Christopher Reece, but Freeman is dynamite, and makes the thing worth sitting through.


I disagree about Christopher Reeve in Street Smart. He was fine. I do think he is a creep and a bad person in it. I'm saying that about his character in it, not him as person. But that's kind of how he's supposed to be in that movie. I mean, the whole movie is about him faking a news story, getting involved with an actual pimp to get said Pimp to lie for him, and also him cheating on his girlfriend with a prostitute. He's not that sympathetic. I do agree Morgan Freeman was excellent and deserved the Oscar nomination for it. It is weird though that his first role was playing a really evil character and that he later became more known for playing really kind men.

My favorite roles of his are Fast Black in Street Smart, Hoke in Driving Miss Daisy, and Red in Shawshank Redemption. It is funny though, on gamefaqs' movies on home video board, 7 years ago, I made a topic asking what movie Morgan Freeman should have won an Oscar for and someone insisted he should have won for eBatman Begins. I remember reacting, "What? Are you serious?" Then he responded that the should have won for the Dark Knight and I said neither of those roles is Oscar worthy.


The first movie I remember seeing him in was The Power of One. Didn't know who he was at the time, but remember his character sticking with me for years.


My fave Morgan Freeman roles:

54 (Angelic Boy)
The Big Hit (Boy in Hotel Lobby)
The Life Before This (Paper Boy)


My Top Three Morgan Freeman roles are:

1.) The Shawshank Redemption
2.) Bruce Almighty*
3.) Unforgiven

* When I first saw "Bruce Almighty", it was for Jim Carrey's comedy. But something more profound was beginning to happen to me. I bought the DVD and have watched it several times, but now more for the words of wisdom dispensed by Morgan Freeman, playing God. They say that God speaks to us in different ways. Maybe he speaks to us through Morgan Freeman's characterization? There are grains of truth in what he says.


He acts exactly the same in every role, so you can pretty much pick any of them.


That's fair, he plays the wise/ calm senior in just about all his roles.

I just watched Bon Fire of the Vanities (90) a few days ago.

Out if character in that one, plays a very angry/annoyed judge, with a completely shaved head.


Ah now that sounds interesting.


The movie has a interestingly cynical take on the political forces that can shape the news cycle and public opinion that is still relevant today.

The book was a best seller, the movie didn't live up to expectations, but it is still very watchable.
