Proof that Leo is gay!
He's looking Monica Bellucchi in the eyes here.
He's looking Monica Bellucchi in the eyes here.
Bellucci. ci, non chi.
Maybe he's just trying to impress her.
Women giving away the farm like that often get offended when you gaze.
"my eyes are up here".
So if you don't fall for it, you look really cool.
Or really gay.
Smart guys look at the eyes. Ignore now = touch later.
shareThat is solid evidence.
shareNot gay, just decent and polite perhaps lol?
sharePeople truly believe he's in the closet, a lot of speculation online about him being in a secret relationship with Lukas Haas and recently Timothée Chalamet.
My question is why keep it a secret? It's 2023 and he lives in LA...