MovieChat Forums > Robert De Niro Discussion > ☝️ Pop vs. Box πŸ‘‡ '73 - '13

☝️ Pop vs. Box πŸ‘‡ '73 - '13

Card 31

Key -

B - box office rank for year
P - current popular rank for year
πŸŽ–οΈ- first place rank for year
πŸ† - popular winner top list
πŸ—½ - most votes for year
πŸ₯ˆ - 2nd place popular winner for year
πŸ₯‰ - 3rd place popular winner for year
πŸ’£ - popular loser top list
πŸ… - 1st place popular loser for year
πŸ„ - 2nd place popular loser for year
πŸ€” - most obscure
* - actor/director

(#/149) - rank amongst 149 actors
πŸ₯‡ - top 5 ranking

note - Mr. De Niro's work before 1973 has not been included in scoring, supporting roles are included.

73 Bang the Drum Slowly B74 P100
73 Mean Streets B28 P6
74 The Godfather PII πŸŽ–οΈπŸ—½B6 P1
76 Taxi Driver πŸŽ–οΈπŸ—½ B11 P1
76 1900 B45 P18
76 The Last Tycoon B25 P36
77 New York, New York B25 P49
78 The Deer Hunter πŸ—½ B10 P5
79 The Swap - no data
80 Raging Bull B25 P10
81 True Confessions B62 P98
83 The King of Comedy B102 P26
84 Once Upon a Time in America πŸ† B114 P5
84 Falling in Love B73 P81
85 Brazil πŸ₯ˆ B119 P16
86 The Mission πŸ₯‰ B135 P36
87 Angel Heart B63 P31
87 The Untouchables B5 P10
88 Midnight Run B28 P26
89 Jacknife B136 P203
89 We're No Angles B84 P103
90 Stanley & Iris B113 P190
90 Goodfellas πŸŽ–οΈπŸ—½ B31 P1
90 Awakenings B23 P8
91 Guilt by Suspicion B97 P200
91 Backdraft B11 P18
91 Cape Fear B10 P6
92 Mistress B175 P203
92 Night and the City πŸ€” B114 P246
93 Mad Dog and Glory B106 P127
93 This Boy's Life B146 P66
93 A Bronx Tale* B82 P9
94 Frankenstein B59 P56
95 Casino πŸ† B41 P4
95 Heat B25 P3
95 One Hundred and One Nights - no data
96 The Fan B86 P79
96 Sleepers B28 P2
96 Mavin's Room B111 P80
97 Cop Land B47 P80
97 Jackie Brown B58 P7
97 Wag the Dog B52 P87
98 Great Expectations B72 P55
98 Ronin B48 P47
99 Analyze This B18 P92
99 Flawless - no data
00 Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle B88 P132
00 Men of Honor B52 P61
00 Meet the Parents πŸ’£ B7 P56
01 15 Minutes B91 P177
01 The Score B33 P44
02 Showtime B70 P168
02 City by the Sea B101 P244
02 Analyze That B80 P172
04 Godsend B124 P110
03 Meet the Fockers B4 P69
03 Bridges of San Luis Rey - no data
05 Hide and Seek B53 P100
06 The Good Shepherd* B50 P37
07 Stardust B66 P3
08 Righteous Kill B71 P148
08 What Just Happened - no data
09 Everybody's Fine B149 P222
10 Machete B115 P86
10 Little Fockers πŸ„ B16 P132
10 Stone B162 P164
11 The Killer Elite B106 P113
11 New Years Eve - (seasonal)
11 Limitless B41 P21
11 The Ages of Love - (Italian)
12 Being Flynn - no data
12 Red Lights - no data
12 Freelancers - no data
12 Silver Linings Playbook B23 P21
13 The Big Wedding B103 P174
13 Killing Season - no data
13 The Family B79 P80
13 Last Vegas B53 P143
13 Grudge Match πŸ… B90 P237

Movies scored - 66
Box sum - 4541
Pop sum - 5374

Box avg rank - 67.77
Pop avg rank - 80.21

Box avg - Pop avg = -12.44

Box top 20 - πŸš•πŸš•πŸš•πŸš•πŸš•πŸš•πŸš•πŸš•πŸš•
Pop top 20 - 🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲

Best box - Meet the Fockers (4)
Worst box - Stone (162)
Best pop - Taxi Driver (1), Godfather PII (1), Goodfellas (1)
Worst pop - Night and the City (246)

Pop gainer - Once Upon a Time in America (+109)
Pop loser - Night and the City (-132)


Best - The Godfather Part II (6)
Worst - Mistress (378)

Pop vs. Box awards


It is natural for popular rankings to be higher due to the influx of art house, international and direct to video releases.

Scoring (b-p)

10+ = excellent
9 to -9 = good
-10 to -29 = avg
-30 to -49 = poor
-50 and below = very poor


The Score B33 P44 = -11(avg)


Excellent (10pts each) = 23
Good (5pts each) = 16
Avg (0pts each) = 5
Poor (-5pts each) = 5
Very poor (-10pts each) = 17
Pop top 20 bonus (5pts each) = 19


Mr. De Niro's pop/box library score:

210 (5/149)πŸ₯‡


Card updated 9/7/22


Vote count/rank data

Top 6 (# of votes)

1. The Godfather PII 1.4m
2. Goodfellas 1.3m
3. Taxi Driver 960k
4. Silver Linings Playbook 754k
5. Heat 742k
6. Limitless 624k (7th)

Top 5 (vote rank for year)

1. (tie) The Godfather PII (1st)
1. (tie) Taxi Driver (1st)
1. (tie) The Deer Hunter (1st)
1. (tie) Goodfellas (1st)
5. Raging Bull (3rd)

Bottom 6 (# votes)

1. The Swap 366
2. One Hundred and One Nights 2k
3. Mistress 2.4k
4. Bridges of San Luis Rey 3.7k
5. The Ages of Love 4.6k
6. Night and the City 5.3k

Bottom 7 (vote rank for year)

1. The Ages of Love (512nd)
2. Bridges of San Luis Rey (432nd)
3. The Swap (410th)
4. One Hundred and One Nights (325th)
5. Freelancers (320th) (11k)
6. Mistress (247th)
7. Being Flynn (246th)

....and the rest

Bang the Drum Slowly 6.4k/69th
Mean Streets 111k/6th
1900 28k/18th
The Last Tycoon 9k/50th
New York,New York 22k/25th
True Confessions 9.2k/73rd
The King of Comedy 124k/11th
Once Upon a Time...389k/5th
Falling in Love 16k/63rd
Brazil 215k/5th
The Mission 68k/24th
Angel Heart 99k/24th
The Untouchables 399k/4th
Midnight Run 102k/22nd
Jacknife 6.4k/139th
We're No Angels 25k/66th
Stanley & Iris 8.8k/130th
Awakenings 165k/15th
Guilt By Suspicion 9.9k/112th
Backdraft 90k/20th
Cape Fear 224k/5th
Mad Dog & Glory 23k/97th
This Boys Life 60k/46th
A Bronx Tale 169k/17th
Frankenstein 60k/43rd
The Fan 52k/60th
Sleepers 243k/13th
Marvin's Room 31k/87th
Casino 582k/7th
Cop Land 110k/41st
Jackie Brown 385k/12th
Wag the Dog 90k/48th
Great Expectations 58k/78th
Ronin 200k/23rd
Analyze This 162k/36th
Flawless 20k/127th
Adv. Rocky / Bullwinkle 21k/132nd
Men of Honor 127k/43rd
Meet the Parents 364k/10th
15min 52k/97th
The Score 136k/45th
Showtime 66k/86th
City by the Sea 27k/155th
Analyze That 91k/66th
Godspeed 26k/160th
Meet the Fockers 293k/33rd
Hide and Seek 80k/82nd
The Good Shepard 110k/74th
Stardust 290k/50th
Righteous Kill 93k/92nd
Everybody's Fine 65k/132th
Machete 206k/46th
Little Fockers 122k/74th
Stone 43k/164th

Added 6/6/23πŸ‘‡

The Killer Elite 137k/76th
New Years Eve 91k/115th

πŸ‘‡Added 2/6/24πŸ‘‡

Red lights 68k/118th
Freelancers 11k/320th
Being Flynn 18k/224th
Silver Linings Playbook 754k/6th

πŸ‘‡ Added 1/10/25πŸ‘‡

The Big Wedding 53k/158th
Killing Season 39k/187th
The Family 125k/94th
Last Vegas 138k/85th
Grudge Match 64k/144th


πŸ“ˆ Vote count rank changes πŸ“‰

rank gainers - 7 (9.8%)
unchanged - 42 (47.8%)
rank losers - 30 (42.2%)

Rank gainers

The King of Comedy 13thπŸ‘‰11th
This Boys Life 48thπŸ‘‰46th
A Bronx Tale 18thπŸ‘‰17th
Cop Land 42ndπŸ‘‰41st
Men of Honor 46thπŸ‘‰43rd
New Years Eve 116thπŸ‘‰115th
Red Lights 119thπŸ‘‰118th

Rank losers

Bang the Drum Slowly 63rdπŸ‘‰69th
The Last Tycoon 48thπŸ‘‰50th
True Confessions 70thπŸ‘‰73rd
Falling in Love 62ndπŸ‘‰63rd
Angel Heart 21stπŸ‘‰24th
Jacknife 133rdπŸ‘‰139th
We're No Angles 62ndπŸ‘‰66th
Stanley & Iris 126thπŸ‘‰130th
Guilt By Suspicion 111thπŸ‘‰112th
Mad Dog &Glory 94thπŸ‘‰97th
Sleepers 12thπŸ‘‰13th
Wag the Dog 46thπŸ‘‰48th
Flawless 126thπŸ‘‰127th
15 Min 95thπŸ‘‰97th
The Score 44thπŸ‘‰45th
Showtime 81stπŸ‘‰86th
City By the Sea 153rdπŸ‘‰155th
Meet the Fockers 31stπŸ‘‰33rd
Hide and Seek 81st πŸ‘‰ 82nd
Righteous Kill 91stπŸ‘‰92nd
Everybody's Fine 119thπŸ‘‰132nd
Machete 41stπŸ‘‰46th
Stone 159thπŸ‘‰164th
Freelancers 318thπŸ‘‰320th
Being Flynn 239thπŸ‘‰242nd
Ages of Love 482ndπŸ‘‰512nd
Bridges of San Luis Rey 412ndπŸ‘‰432nd
The Swap 386thπŸ‘‰410th
Mistress 240thπŸ‘‰247th

posted 1/10/25


Card updated 6/6/23


Card and vote count updated 2/6/24


Card/vote count rank updated 1/10/25
