He yelled at his driver. Not the worst thing someone has ever done . Can’t believe that dude has a 7 year old !


A good example of why old men shouldn't have kids.


Because they are grumpy ?


They tend to die before the kid gets to college.


Not him


De Niro is 75 and the kid is 7. Do the math.


Some people don’t die . Like Keith Richards




Think rob will win at least one more Oscar


No he makes terrible choices.


The new movie he’s in with al and joe looks good


he should have retired 15 years ago like Gene Hackman.


Has it been that long for GH? Man, that guy was ubiquitous.


2004 was his last movie.


Love gene


What’s you’re hate ? Cause he yelled at his driver ?


no the bad movies he keeps making.


Like which ones


hide and seek
dirty grandpa
grudge match
the good shepherd
the bag man
red lights
the fan


He let you down didn’t he


SNL done a skit a few years ago making fun at De Niro for accepting every acting gig that came his way.

Same thing for Pacino


Yes I remember the one with Ben stiller


Why are so many of these goody-goody 'liberal' actors like De Niro, Alec Baldwin, and Sean Penn so violent and aggressive to the 'little people'?

If they were true progressives, you'd hope they'd be a bit more respectful to working-class wage slaves.


These people are individuals, not representative of Liberals or Democrats or Progressives or ANY group you choose to lump in. And what are "true progressives"? Black Lives Matter? Anti-Trump? Trump is an idiot, I'd hate to miss out on the fun of slaying this moron. At least to the extent I can. I did Vote.


I'm a progressive and leftist, so I'm certainly not arguing that De Niro, Baldwin and Penn are representative of all, or even most, progressives and leftists.

My argument is that as a leftist, I am confounded and frankly annoyed by others who identify themselves that way, then proceeding to behave in a self-entitled and elitist manner to working-class joes. Or, like Baldwin, using homophobic language to attack people he dislikes. Or, like Penn, and other 'lib' film stars like Josh Brolin and Charlie Sheen, supposedly, beating up wives and girlfriends when it takes the mood.

I just don't understand how anyone can identity as a leftist or liberal, and then proceed to display racist, sexist, homophobic or classist behaviour. At the very least, it goes to show that bigotry is an issue that extends well beyond the Republican Party (and don't get me wrong, I detest those guys more than anything - but at least everyone knows what they are).


You are confusing the acts of individuals with the aims of the Democratic Party. We can't control what Rosie O or Oprah or the Obamas or Babs Streisand does, but the Dem base knows what is important to get done. Goofballs - like this Prez - can act stupid, but it doesn't mean it's endorsed by the Party.


But I never used the term 'Democratic Party'. I was talking about self-described 'liberals'; whether they're Democrats are not (and, admittedly, most of them are, even if only by default) is besides the point.

Of course the GOP is wretched. I wouldn't argue otherwise. It's completely beyond the pale, and a borderline white supremacist party, even without Trump at the helm, but let's not pretend that there aren't systemic problems with the US that extend way beyond the GOP, even into ostensibly 'liberal' communities, like Silicon Valley and Hollywood.

And hopefully, most progressives don't behave like De Niro and Baldwin. The ones I mix with don't, as far as I'm aware (then again, none of them are major movie stars). I just find it particularly egregious that men who apparently identify with progressive politics and beliefs, would behave in such a regressive manner. I can see why a proud thug like Trump would, because he effectively defines himself by his racism and misogyny, but why would men who supposedly support civil and women's rights behave like cavemen?


Dinero lumps himself in that group, and no one objects.


He didn't belittle the driver in anyway. He didn't even get that loud. We've all gotten madder and more irate at relatives and friends than De Niro got at his driver.


I've had public meltdowns too. So what.


can we see the video ??


I'm sure there's some somewhere. My 2nd ex and I had to be physically restrained from each other in family court back in like 2003.


sounds nasty


it;s human nature, that's why they have Security, happens all the time.


I hope things have settled down for you. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


oh God yes, that's my point,,,,,,,,we've all had unattractive moments, but that doesn't define who we are.
