MovieChat Forums > Jamie Lee Curtis Discussion > Dye that HAIR.....PLEASE !!

Dye that HAIR.....PLEASE !!

So she looks "natural" with grey hair---big deal! Whoever said natural was attractive or glamourous--it's not!

She is a movie star/actor/celeb --she is supposed to look better than the rest of us. Why is she trying to look like the average frump in the street. With all the money and advantages, celebs should be role models for ordinary people to strive for something better.

Just don't get it...glamour and beauty are not a crime. From what we see on the street, most people could stand improvement to their looks, clothing choices and weight.

This isn't comparable to the Demi Moore, thing that's another whole issue.


What is wrong with grey hair, hasn't affected Mark Harmon's career any.


As we all know.....grey hair doesn't effect men's looks the same way. Unfortunately men (not women) get a pass on this. Lots of them actually look better with some grey hair.
However, Clooney should start dying his..just a bit.


It's unfortunate, yet you are totally for it? As a woman, I say: **** you, sir. Or are you a woman? A pity and a shame either way.


Wow, you really must like your celebrities having fake looks. Her face is starting to wrinkle up pretty bad and she's only 54. Do you know how many people in hollywood, especially women, try to fight father time with plastic surgery and dying their hair all the time? Heidi Montag is only 26 years old but the only person she hasn't topped in the plastic surgery department is... wait, nope, she wins over them all. Jamie Lee seems to accept the fact that she's aged and she can't do anything to stop it. I find her gray hair very good for her look. The important thing is she has accepted it and she looks fantastic. If you put her prime brown hair color back onto her head with her wrinkles on her face, she'd look VERY fake. You think about it.


Oh, so you are a douche... I get it.

Tough luck, chinless


Why? because I prefer to perpetuate natural looks in someone rather than to promote them denying their impending age? If so then guilty as charged.

But if I'm a douche, you're a moron.


Wow, you really must like your celebrities having fake looks. Her face is starting to wrinkle up pretty bad and she's only 54. Do you know how many people in hollywood, especially women, try to fight father time with plastic surgery and dying their hair all the time? Heidi Montag is only 26 years old but the only person she hasn't topped in the plastic surgery department is... wait, nope, she wins over them all. Jamie Lee seems to accept the fact that she's aged and she can't do anything to stop it. I find her gray hair very good for her look. The important thing is she has accepted it and she looks fantastic. If you put her prime brown hair color back onto her head with her wrinkles on her face, she'd look VERY fake. You think about it.

True this. And would some rather have her look like she appeared in 1978 in Halloween? We all age, and even some gracefully than others. It's genes, etc. I think she's aged gracefully and naturally (though maybe with some yogurt, har har). And to mimic this statement again, a lot of 20-somethings go through plastic surgery so much and many others to look like they want to look or better and to fix something (though augmentation in "fixing" something is different than aspiring to "look" like a "special" someone or what they "want"). The al naturale, is well, natural, and good and considering if hasn't done things to make them age faster than their years (like some celebs and people have been known to do this, yet again and not just 20-something too, to try to look different and younger again; though, again, the camera and special effects like make-up can do wonders)) can age naturally.


There is no such thing as "natural looks" when it comes to most women. They pretty much ALL wear make-up, so they hardly ever present themselves to the world as their natural selves, but only as their painted and faked and embellished with cosmetics so-called "better-looking" and glamorized "self." Jamie Lee Curtis and a few other women, usually already known as beauties and still in their early 1950s and not too wrinkled up, have some kind of weird ego-trip going when it comes to "natural looks." They make it some kind of "rebel" point to go out into the world not wearing any make-up and not dyeing their hair, as if trying to say: "look at me, I can still look good without any make-up and dye." They do look good for a few years and are admired for their courage in being "natural" but eventually and without fail time catches up with them and they are literally forced to use "unnatural" means to mask the damage that so-called "nature" has caused to their appearance over the years. If they don't, they just become wrinkled, old and ugly and can carry on the illusion that they still "look good" only through the politeness of others to their face while behind their back, they talk about how badly they need a plastic surgeon or at least some make-up.
