MovieChat Forums > Tia Carrere Discussion > Physical rezemblence between Tia and Cat...

Physical rezemblence between Tia and Catherine Zeta-Jones ?

Hello everyone and belated 'Merry Christmas' !

I just saw Catherine Zeta-Jones in the Zorro movie and have to wonder: Isn't there a physical similarity between her and Tia ? Has anyone noticed something ?
I am not into the conspiracy theory or anything by this,it's just a simple remark.


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I just came on to this board to see if anyone else thought this - I'm glad I'm not the only one! I was just watching Wayne's World on TV - I hadn't seen it for years, and I knew it wasn't her, but when Cassandra first appeared, I thought "is that Catherine Zeta Jones?!" I couldn't remember who played the character but I knew it wasn't her . . . of course after watching for another 20 seconds I could see that really they don't look like each other at all, but in that instant I saw the similarity! So you're not alone!!

"You people. If there isn't a movie about it, it's not worth knowing about, is it" - Dogma


Yes! I've always thought that, since the moment I first saw CZJ (I already knew about Tia Carrere then). They both have that exotic look. Yes they DO look alike!
