What is his appeal???
He is really good at shooting and choreographing action scenes but otherwise I don’t get why moviegoers, especially the more nerdy nostalgia ones, hail him as possibly one of the greatest directors of all time and why his films have made billions of dollars? He’s really bad at screenwriting and every one of his scripts is laden with one-note characters and awful dialogue that feels penned by a 13-year old boy. Like he tries so hard to shoehorn in classic lines, like the awful “hasta la vista, baby” which literally grinds the film to a halt, and it’s so forced that you can practically see the “trademarked” logo at the end of the sentence…but audiences end up loving it! How??? True Lies is his best movie because it’s the only film JC made that feels intentionally stupid and campy, while the rest are accidentally so. But most seem to think True Lies is amongst his worst movies??? I don’t get it. Nearly all of his movies have fatal flaws that nobody else would get away with. Like fans adore T2, an insanely stupid movie, while T3, also insanely stupid, has the same fans pretending it doesn’t exist. Tell me the difference in stupidity between the “talk to da hand” scene and the smiling scene?