MovieChat Forums > Pierce Brosnan Discussion > Monster. He was just convicted.

Monster. He was just convicted.

He agreed to plead guilty to foot travel in a thermal area, a Class B misdemeanor, and agreed to pay a $5,000 fine and two years of unsupervised probation.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Stephanie A. Hambrick decided to be more lenient with Brosnan, only sentencing him to pay $1,500 without any probation.

"I'm sure you will not be doing this behavior again," she told Brosnan. "I’m convinced you’ve learned your lesson."

Brosnan was cited for two infractions: foot travel in a thermal area and a closure violation. As part of the plea agreement, the second charge was dropped without prejudice.

When asked how he was pleading, Brosnan simply answered, "Guilty, your honor."


Monster? He walked somewhere he wasn't supposed to. BFD. The Earth spins on, the sun still shines, the birds sing.



True. I was joking with my "Monster" comment.


He got off with a light sentence because he is Pierce Brosnan.

"By our logic, a $1500 fine is a pretty meager punishment. Heck, that’s probably the value of the pink wingtips that match the suit he’s wearing in the above photo."

His punishment would have been more severe if he was not Pierce Brosnan.


Pierce Brosnan can be a charming mother fucker I bet.


Yes Filmtenk. He's a celebrity too. He is not just some ordinary man who walked into a restricted area.

So, he got a light sentence. Oh well.


He's lived publicly which is a blessing & a curse. A curse in that your personal life, ups & downs, get published. He's had more than his fair share of tragedy in his life including losing I believe a wife & daughter to cancer.

On the flip side, what few words he's spoken about this publicly seemed heart felt & real. Yeah he's a rich celebrity but what he went through would be hard on anyone. A relatable genuine human struggle. Maybe the d.a. or whoever was in charge of prosecuting looked up his bio and decided, "Old guy, seemingly not an ahole, had his struggles. How much do we really wanna bust balls here?" A heavier sentence might be seen as overkill & at worst cruel.


Cancel him!
