He would have been a great Spider-Man.
If he would have been cast for one of the Spidey movies.
shareIf he would have been cast for one of the Spidey movies.
shareby the time the first Spider man movie was made, he was too old (Matthew was in his forties at the time). Also I read about him accidentally killing some people on the highway in road accident years ago, and quite frankly I personally don't like him very much.
shareOmg I didn't know that, was he drunk? and why don't you like him very much?
shareDoug Walker elaborates (at approximately the 1:37 mark) why he doesn’t like Matthew Broderick as an actor:
It really all boils down to Doug finding Matthew’s acting bland and insecure. He adds that Matthew Broderick is the type of actor who doesn’t seem to be totally convicted to his characters.
Wow, a shit human being who pretends to be aloof criticizing a shit human being who pretends to be aloof! He calls the kettle black so you don’t have too.
shareFunny, in the mid 90s James Cameron was trying to make a Spider-Man movie with Michael Biehn as Peter Parker. Matthew Broderick would've been way better.
shareIf made when he was young enough to play the part, I could see Broderick as Spider-Man. And even more importantly, as Peter Parker.
shareJust pretend that Bueller was a prequel.
shareAll of this...this latest game...is probably jimmy coconuts aka reality aka Houdini aka you get the point. Not sure why...but I've noticed an adversarial tone the last few weeks. He is also magnum pi over there. Notice how quickly he and fake op start interacting...and what was that post about me being Jim? All I can come up with is that my wanting to buy the site queered him to me...and that sounds flimsy even to me. I do know jimmy prides himself in being able to sniff out posters by thier writing habits...maybe he can mimic it as well...I don't know...never really pay attention to how people write. Dazed is also quite good at that...and she might be involved...but I doubt it because dazed and jimmy have had a love hate relationship since way back on imdb...and she informs me it went sour around the time she left to go to FB...but that is her word...so who knows?