MovieChat Forums > Antonio Banderas Discussion > Antonio could have done much better than...

Antonio could have done much better than Griffith.

Much better.


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They do seem like an odd couple to me.

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well, she looked great in '96, when they married. I assume Antonio Banderas is one of those REAL men who actually feels marriages should last. Very few people seem to think that these days, which is pretty sad really, not like bringing-me-to-tears-sad but kinda... trash-sad...


I'm happy for him. Love conquers all...I guess

Some people count sheep. Doesn't work with AlwaysCool, just gets him excited.


It's like some comedian said about aging blondes & their Latin lovers..'they can't look past a blonde head.' ha ha I think he truly loves her though & he's said that he doesn't want her to ger plastic surgery anymore.

Vote, bitches.


It's only a matter of time before they split up. I mean he loves her and he doesn't care what she looks like yet she's going nuts with this plastic surgery nonsense and ends up looking worse, no better.

Really, I don't know what he sees in her. I'll be jumping up and down the day their divorced is announced. He deserves MUCH better.

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" I assume Antonio Banderas is one of those REAL men who actually feels marriages should last. Very few people seem to think that these days, which is pretty sad really, not like bringing-me-to-tears-sad but kinda... trash-sad..."

LMAO! Tell me you're kidding? Isn't this the same Antonio Banderas who was cheating on his first wife with Melanie? If that's your definition of a "real man", then you have some incredibly low standards.

Charlie Murphy!! *punch* - Dave Chappelle as Rick James
