MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Aniston Discussion > SLAMMED over 'Our First Pandemic' Christ...

SLAMMED over 'Our First Pandemic' Christmas tree ornament as fans brand her 'out of touch' amid COVID-19 crisis

-The Friends actress, 51, was branded 'foolish' for sharing a snap of a wooden ornament engraved with 'Our First Pandemic 2020'
-One fan wrote: 'Jennifer Aniston is a damn fool for posting that ornament on her story... celebrities are ditzy af..
-'Cheers to our first pandemic of 2020, where millions of people died! let’s celebrate that on a Christmas ornament!'
-Some fans came out in support of the actress, pointing out how much she has done to raise awareness of COVID-19 and encourage others to wear face masks

They've all been out of touch. Most of the pandemic doesn't affect them besides some travel and maybe if they're working but much of that has been given a pass while the regular folk are forced into lockdown. Too busy taking selfies and showing their wealth and enjoyment but they'll be quick to tell others to follow the rules while they break them themselves (unless caught in the act of course)


You do realize there was no mention of what she said about the ornament or where it was. She snapped a photo of an ornament that said, "Our First Pandemic 2020"... I have no clue why she did it, but to be fair it is just as plausible that she saw it and thought it was it was wrong and shared to photo of what she simply saw as wrong. If you noticed the ornament wasn't hand made by her it was clearly something that was being mass produced and sold by someone else unless you think she had decided to start an ornament business.


Well, she is a blonde.
