George Floyd

She is sickened by the racism in this country. No other celebrity have done more for equal rights than Jennifer Aniston. She knows how it feels to be black.




does she know what it feels like to have a gun pointed at her pregnant belly & be robbed in her own home alone?
does she know what it feels like to be fucked on camera for online porn so she can make her rent check?
maybe she's high on fentanyl & feeling really good right now


Wow Floyd did all of this?! What a jerk.


welcome to the truth


the world better with him dead


floyd was a black thug.


someone gets it, drrclaven, and has not been brainwashed by the Lame Stream Media who holds this guy's legacy on a golden pedestal because it wrote their script for bashing White America.


Seems like he is getting justice. And his family is now filthy rich. What more do they want?


Well see after the sentencing. I prefer we don't have riots, but they've already started last week. This week is going to be interesting.


Oh, they are going to riot no matter what. They will riot and loot in protest. Or riot and loot in celebration. Trust me. I lived there. Those people are rioters and looters.


We're ready for it this time. It just sucks that we have to be. Security companies already see an influx of ouy of state people and vehicles arriving. This began last month. We now have the Brooklyn Center issue being exacerbated by the Brooklyn Center mayor and Minneapolis. They're a real charming bunch.
I'm no fan of Gov. Waltz, but he's not willing to have the same issue we had last year. He's been working with the Police, Sheriff's Departments, and National Guard to be ready. Let's see If it works out.
I'm glad you don't live there anymore. It's tough for people who stayed that were no part of the issue.


I burnts down mys neighberhoods, nows I ain't gots no neighberhhods, helps me guvment, I'ms opressedted.


That's the typical revoluionists point of view.


who cares about money?
I dont know much about how they are but if it were up to me Money would be nothing.


Since they have accepted the money, I would guess they care about money. And the family of this latest guy will also sue to get millions. And they will win. And the people of the Twin Cities will have to pay for yet another thug.


His family won a $27 million settlement from the white politicians in March 2021 and the city set aside $500,000 for grants to businesses in the neighborhood where Floyd died.

Floyd family attorney Ben Crump says businesses can begin applying and continue to apply until all dollars are distributed.


At least she's trying.


Proof that being an actress does not mean you're intelligent.


Proof? The proof would seem to indicate that intelligence is most definitely not a common factor in actors.


I wish more celebs loved George F equally much! Donated equally much to the negro.
