Good words on Jennifer Aniston in The Yellow Birds / Sundance
Scott Mantz @MovieMantz
THE YELLOW BIRDS is a TRIUMPH. The 1st great #Sundance movie. Gripping, raw, intense Iraq War epic. It's this year's Hurt Locker. #Sundance
Rachel Simon @Rachel_Simon
THE YELLOW BIRDS: imperfect, but harrowing. The whole cast is great, but Alden Ehrenreich is something else. #Sundance
Richard Lawson @rilaws
THE YELLOW BIRDS: grim, lyrical mystery-drama about boys ruined by war. Oof. Alden Ehrenreich's got the goods. And Jen Aniston is great!
Jeff Goldsmith @yogoldsmith
The Yellow Birds delivers a modern war drama & mystery + a well crafted script & characters you care about.
Scott Mantz @MovieMantz
THE YELLOW BIRDS is gonna be an Oscar-contender a year from now. Noms for Best Pic, Director, Screenplay, Acting. #Sundance
Brian Tallerico @Brian_Tallerico
THE YELLOW BIRDS: Study of PTSD dragged down by mystery element and War is Hell familiarity. Still, Alden rules and it looks great.
Alison Willmore
THE YELLOW BIRDS: Found the mystery this war drama circles around deeply unsatisfying, but Alexandre Moors has an eye for interesting shots.
Eric R. @grey603
Ehrenreich's piercing green eyes and intensity and Sheridan's open hearted vulnerability make The Yellow Birds. Rest of it, eh. #Sundance
Kevin Polowy @djkevlar
Inner dialogue during Yellow Birds: Answer the mystery, this is shot well, answer the mystery, forgot to eat lunch, answer the damn mystery!
Edward Douglas @EDouglasWW
Alex Moors' The Yellow Birds is quite compelling: a quiet slow build that requires patience, but turning into something quite fantastic. The performances in The Yellow Birds really do a lot to keep you invested, particularly Jennifer Aniston, who should be in the awards talk