Stupid Hypocrite!!

This born again psychology of these hollywood bimbo's really makes me sick and with Anderson and her I won't wear fur and I don't eat meat campaign. What is funny is she didn't feel that way her entire life, each one of her husbands have stated that they have caught her with a hot dog in her mouth HA HA HA!! many, many, times.

She has not been a vegan her whole life and you can't sell that to a brain dead five year old. What we have is another stupid member of PETA who thinks that the world will stop eating steaks, hot dogs, hamburgers, etc because they think it is immoral.

What they are screwing with is a billion dollar industry that supports a person's right to eat meat. Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pilgrim's Pride and all the restaurants have been around for fifty years and will be around for fifty more

Stupid bibo's on a crusade will not change that!!


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and whats wrong with people having these beliefs? hoping that the world will change for the better in their opinion? the worlds completely *beep* up with *beep* up wars and leaders of the world. let her be a PETA nutcase, i mean im a vegetarian but what they do is over the top alot of the time. but its not harming you is it?

love me or hate me,, its still an obsession


I don't buy the whole vegetarian bit, because what you are saying is that you don't eat any meat products and that means you don't use salad dressing because it contains some meat byproducts.

There are meat products in most vegan dishes and just because you can't see them they are still there.

If you put a hot dog, hamburger or steak in a blender you would have a puree of a meat product. Pizza which is very popular has meat, dairy and in some cases poultry.

I don't hunt for sport, but in a different world I might to survive.

Anderson is just another spoiled rich woman who has too much time on her hands, and what does nudity have to do with wearing fur? It is another good example of hollywood trying to immoralize the American public


I have never quite understood why some say it is wrong to eat meat but not plants. A prof once said to me "You know, you're eating dead animals," and I replied "You know, you're eating dead plants." Her response to that was "Shut up."

That tomato was a living organism when you picked it off its vine, that carrot was a living organism when you ripped it out of its environment, that corn was a living organism when you ruthlessly cut down its stalk and pulled the ears off, but it's okay to do that. And then EAT them! Weird.


Really, people get sentimental when it comes to eating live animals such as steers, cows, lambs, pigs, etc. Most of these animals have no purpose other than feeding people.

Vegetarians can say all they want, P.E.T.A can say what they want, but in the end the plants that process these animals into resale food do so under the guidance of U.S.D.A inspectors that make sure that there is no cruelty or abuse.

I remember a time when women wore furs like they were going out of style and my opinion is that is flaunting the murder of animals simply to make coats or accessories for the purpose of style or making people look more important.

This is abusive to animals in at least a dozen different categories, but in the other sense where animals are raised to feed a population this is completely justified.

Anderson ate her share of meat before being a born again vegetarian and activist for P.E.T.A, which makes her a hypocrite.

They are not killing chickens to be cruel at chicken plants, they are providing a humane solution to supplying the world with chicken products for people that want to eat chickens.

Even vegatarians eat some sort of meat product, but they are not interested in where it comes from.


mce06121961 is just an old pervert, what does it matter my age. Just becuase this poor excuse for a person is older than me(maybe), doesn't make him smarter than me. He's no one important, just an idiot loosing his mind. and WTF is he talking about with some email of spell check? Where is he getting this crap?

2001, I disagree with you. Carrots aren't even apart of the same kingdom as we are(I forgot the scientific term for it). You either are aware of problems with animal welfare and choose to ignore it, or you actually believe a onion and a mountain lion fel the same amount of pain. Wow.

People are also forgetting that Jessica was wearing the shirt as a slam to Carrie Underwood, so yea, Jessica kinda deserved to be slammed by Pam.

"Sir, step away from the pie!"


RID OF ME is a loser and I would not take anything that twat has to say. Obviously we are talking about a woman who smells like fish so how can she be a vegetarian?

This has to be a reply to the stupidest post in the world!!


Okay, so you are assuming I am a woman, how do you know that? WTF You're obviously misogynistic freak, who can't make a good point, so you resort to childish insults to make you look "cool" in your very messed up brain. So, if I was also black, would you make a race joke? Or if I was homosexual, would you call me a dyke or fag? You're just a 50 year old idiot who knows what a stinky vag smells like. Congrats, your mom must be proud.

"Sir, step away from the pie!"
