Watched the last Allen Versus Farrow installment tonight
Wow? I'd describe this series as 90% emotional manipulation and 10% factual manipulation and omission.
It seemed like Ronan Farrow picked up the ball and will be running with it, to try to get into political office based on the work he has done with #MeToo. But to me, from all the things I've read and heard, Woody does not fit into the #MeToo pattern, and Ronan and his family is every bit as a creepy and unbelievable from one side as Woody and Soon-Yi seem to the other side ... but the facts, if anything, without being totally discounted are at worse neutral or support Woody.
What we get is Dylan's personal story of victimhood and mental problems displayed, and then heaped on a man she has not seen in 30 years, while facts about her family, mother and brother are not shown.
I just think, shame on HBO for this useless documentary that had no reason to be made except to be packed with lies, and
One peculiar thing that maybe only I noticed was that in tonight's last episode they are in total sympathy with whatever Dylan says, she cries, she shakes, she talks about being scarred - and it is apparent there is indeed a mental problem with her; then when Moses Farrow decided to make his testimony and abuse public in Mia's family, they whip out the same attacks on him that they have spent this whole documentary to undercut when applied to Dylan's victimhood. This is the problem a the whole program is based on emotional manipulation.
This documentary is out there for political purposes, and though I have loved so much of HBO's shows and specials, this is a really ugly thing they did, and for no reason other than to hype Ronan Farrow as the philanthropic savior of abused women who will soon be completing Mia Farrow's life plan and entering politics. I've previously admired Ronan's work and dedication, or the PR that I have seen on it seems to look good, but the fact that he steps into this at all is not the work of an objective journalist, and seems totally unprofessional. Ronan's strong backing of this phony documentary puts everything he has done so far in question.
What a horrible decision by any media to follow and keep this story alive for so long for purposes that don't seem to help either side.
If I had to rate this I'd have to give it a negative rating because I think it is actually libelous and those involved who produced and green-lit this creepy hit job are criminal. This program is the actual crime, and Dylan is a manipulated victim. -10/10