MovieChat Forums > Woody Allen Discussion > Allen dated a 16 year model when he was ...

Allen dated a 16 year model when he was 41

Basis for Manhattan and creepy as hell.


Not even the creepiest thing he's done, if you consider the fact he's married to his adopted daughter now. Today.


High five, Woody


Dated ... not raped, not abused, not molested ... and 16.
One-third of girls in American have had sex at or before age 16.
It is not my place to approve or disapprove of this, but it does bug me, but it is not the same thing as pedophilia which he was accused of, once, by Dylan Farrow.


One- third of males are locked up for the same act.


There are many sacred cows in this world.


Take it easy.... I have a daughter under 30!!!!!


He dated a sixteen-year-old model? So what? When I was in my twenties, I dated a fifteen-year-old girl for awhile. She was intelligent, mature, and attractive, and we enjoyed each other's company. I didn't rape her, warp her mind, or steal her soul. Wherever she is today, I'm confident she would agree that she isn't any worse off from having spent time with me.


Allen is degenerate who through his own actions has shown he has severe boundary issues with children under his care. I'm sorry but anyone who thinks a man grooming child, a daughter figure to be his wife just screams innocence has issues & is simply beyond the pale.


Dude... relaxe. I don't completely disagree with you, but you are going on every posts to insult people. I agree with you on the fact that it's definitely doubtful that he is completely innocent, and I really think that all those people who seem 100% sure of his innocence might be looking at it with a closed eye.

Still, being on one or the other extreme doesn't really allow any discussion.


I wasn't insulting anyone in particular apart from Woody Allen & his deviant behavior. I was rather simply giving a generalized critique to those who apply selective double standards in how they judge this case and others.


Ah okay! Fair enough!


Read Woody's bio, "Apropos of Nothing".
And there is a new Guardian piece out where his son Moses says flatly that Dylan Farrow's account could not be true. I just posted the link and an excerpt.


Woody is innocent, but there is a segment of society, far to the left side of the bell curve, who will never be capable of comprehending it.
