MovieChat Forums > John Cleese Discussion > He supports Brexit. He's dead to me.

He supports Brexit. He's dead to me.

Voting for the ignorant Brexiteer view of the EU is unforgivable for someone who is supposed to be educated. He's on the level of child molesters and dog torturers to me now. Could be he's become senile, about the only excuse I could accept.



Fake News!


You know the UK existed for hundreds of years before the EU even existed. The UK leaving the EU really does absolutely nothing to the common man in the UK except of course give them more freedom from rules instigated by a bunch of bureaucrats in Brussels... where ironically I'll be willing to bet more than half have never even set foot in the UK... But go on and equate someone intelligent enough to know that the EU was a mistake with a child molester, it just show what a complete and utter fool you are.


The UK leaving the EU? When is that going to happen?


"The UK leaving the EU really does absolutely nothing to the common man in the UK"

Oh boy...


Oh man, you really haven't a clue... Let's see your comments in half a year.


It's been 2 years since the comment, and more than half a year since the UK left the EU... and nothing has changed because the UK left the EU.


There's a transition period going on until the end of this year with pretty much everything rule wise as it was during EU membership. You are in for a nasty surprise come Januari, deal or no deal. Guess you'll find out what it is we all warned you for and will see just how much of "project fear" was true. Let's find out in the coming half year, shall we? I hope nothing bad happens, truly. For why would I wish bad upon another? I just believe the facts of the matter point to detriment of quality of living in the UK due to leaving the EU (and the EU-like transition period)


If there is any negative impact on the UK it will be manufactured by the EU as punishment for leaving. Eventually the EU will fail because you have too many crap countries in it and they will cause it to fail. When that happens countries that aren't in the EU will be in a better position.


If you want to blame the EU for holding up exactly the strict rules for third countries they said they would, and which were known to the UK (as a member!) since way before the referendum then go ahead. But you are acknowledging your ignorance by that.


I'm not talking about third countries, I'm talking about the actual EU member countries that are economic basket cases like Greece. The disparity in the economic strength of the member countries is what will destroy the EU. Third countries like Australia and Japan have nothing to do with the future failure of the EU.


You're talking about suicide. What's stopping you?


You need to go take your meds because you are now making zero sense.


You, sir, are a coward.


blah blah blah.


Turns out he was right and you were wrong, thomas998

And now you can't go back to the better times.


Really? That's why the UK GDP growth rate was 3 times that of Germany? And the UK GDP was about 50% greater than the EU as a whole. Sorry but even if you think the UK isn't doing well it is doing much better than the EU.


5 to 10 is 100% growth
100 to 110 is 10% growth.
Yet the economy that started with 100 had twice as much extra GDP as the one starting with 5.

Pretty useless comparison, that growth.

What is useful is the fact that the UK is the only G7 country in which the economy remains smaller than it was before the pandemic

Anyway, good luck outside the EU.


And you are dead to him. Plus he's much more successful and influential !


He does a great Hitler impersonation too!


I guess I could understand your anger better, if you explained why you hate Brexit so much.
So what's so damn great about the EU, that makes you say things like that about people who want to leave it?


Yeah, it's a reasonable question. Since it's impossible to have economic discipline without political control, ultimately the EU is going to founder. Better for the UK not to be part of it when that happens. Some people are unable to foresee the future apparently.


Well, find out in about two months what's so damn great about being a member of the EU.


There may be some short term pain, but strong possibility of long term benefit. Probably Cleese understands that.


You are an idiot.


If true, this causes him to grow in my esteem. In the world of show business and the arts in general, that level of reasoning ability is rare. Cheers to John Cleese!


liscarkat: always on the wrong side of every argument!


Yeah, that's a real talent.


Well, here we are and it's not looking too good for the UK.
Fortunately it doesn't seem to bother anyone.


They really took an economic hit and made things worse, but I understand why they want control over certain things. It is a pity they could not have worked things out with Brussels. I don't understand why Brits are not more vocal about complaining about Brexit. They were promised more money for the NHS which was a total lie.


They'd be complaining about themselves.


Because of covid.
Everybody's attention is still on that shit. It stole everything else's thunder.
And johnson knows it too. No way to get a real debate over brexit debacle, any problem will be blamed on covid.


I think that at some level the brexitier politicians are very relieved they have Covid to hide behind.




I agree.
