Leonardo DiCaprio

Would he have had DiCaprio star in one of his films had Kubrick lives longer? DiCaprio is arguably on the same level of an actor as Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson who both were in Kubrick films and DiCaprio likes to make movies with all-time great directors (Cameron, Spielberg, Ridley Scott, Nolan, Tarantino, Scorsese, etc.). I imagine they would have collaborated on a project


‘Might’ve played Napoleon? He’s probably short enough. Personally, I find Leo a little bit wooden. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I hope not, DiCaprio is pretty overrated.


Did you just said that Tom Cruise is at same level of acting abilities like Jack Nicholson and Leonardo DiCaprio? No. Sorry, but no. I like Cruise, but his hardcore fans really overestimate his acting abilities which are actually quite limited.


Jack Nicholson is miles ahead of the other actors.

Cruise has his moments but is, like many others, a one-trick pony. Eyes Wide Shut was perfect for him cause he plays the cocky lil son-of-a bitch well : )


Cruise acts exactly the same in every movie!


Most actors do, including Brando, Dean, DeNiro, Clift, Garfield, and all the other "method" heroes.
