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Top Ten Signs You Have Fallen Hard for Buster Keaton

Top Ten Signs You Have Fallen Hard for Buster Keaton

10. You plan a pilgrimage to Piqua, Kansas, to see the place Buster put on the map.

9. You become a card-carryin', High-Sign flashin', member of his fan club. (NOTE: See the warning post about WHICH fan club you join, and be very careful!)

8. You begin obsessing about how you or your sweetheart would look in a flat hat.

7. Suspenders are suddenly sexy!

6. You develop an avid interest in vaudeville history wondering how close his family played to your town.

5. You see his name everywhere: Doorbusters, Pricebusters, Blockbuster--and become suddenly aware that for all these years, all these people have been taking his name in vain.

4. Your new personalized license plate reads DAMFINO.

3. You get a cat and name it Buster Kitten.

2. You hang a life-size Buster poster in view of your bed so it's the last thing you see each night and the first thing you see each morning.

1. You replace your ordinary TV with the largest, most state-of-the-art model your place will hold and your old VHS player with a new Blu-ray and buy the ultimate editions of all Buster's movies so you and he can get properly up close and personal.

(For myself: check on some, working on the others!)

Originally posted on Internet Movie Database, November 29, 2011
