Listen To Me Marlon
Has anyone seen it yet?
Going to see it Thursday, 1230 afternoon, Film forum, NYC.
Very excited!
When and where can I see it??
Seems only at select film fests?
And also this other one I've heard of called "Lying for a Living."
I'd love to get a copy somehow also but can't even find it on ebay.
I saw it today at Film forum, in NYC.
Well made character study of Marlon in his own words.
It moves through about 6 or 8 different 'chapters', wherein various quotes by him are edited together rather seamlessly, to create a particular 'emotion' of his.
Brando fans are going to love this.
This is not a biography documentary, although it does follow his career arc to tell the stories.
Basically, it's a window into his thought processes involving various 'situations' in his life.
What I really liked about it was it's focus on his childhood, morphing into his career, his wives, and mostly, his children.
The most powerful theme?
No matter how hard or far he ran from his parents and childhood?
He couldn't prevent it's effects from touching his children.
Added bonus? This film is probably as expansive as we'll ever get on his thoughts concerning his craft, and how he approached it.
character is habitual action, we are what we do habitually.
Well, I read the article. It IS true that some of Rileys, er, devices, come up cold.
But? As I said previously? It is about as close as we can ever get to Brando's thought processes.
I can't understand why streaming services like Amazon or Netflix don't offer art house films like this or The End of the Tour that will rarely be shown in a theater outside of LA or NY. I know I'd be willing to pay $10 - $20 and I'm sure a lot of others would too.
"No! Thats not true at all. Elvis takes fifty percent of everything I earn." Col.
I hear you. I'm pretty sure this film is licensed by "Showtime", and will show up on cable before the year is out.
That said? They want to make what money they can, first.
Has anyone seen it since this was posted? I don't get Showtime.
Fr. Sonny