The final run

It's a little bit morbid but I was just enjoying We're No Angels when it occurred to me that Bogart would be dead within two years of it's release - but at least he ended with a run of good films:
- The Harder They Fall (1956)
- The Desperate Hours (1955)
- The Left Hand of God (1955) (I've always liked this plus Gene Tierney)
- We're No Angels (1955)
- The Barefoot Contessa (1954)
- Sabrina (1954)
- The Caine Mutiny (1954)
- Beat the Devil (1953)
There can't be many stars who have so many films still being played 65 years their death?


Funny, when I was a kid I thought John Wayne would be the immortal movie star.

I think today it is the movies themselves, because of the writing and directing that determine longevity, not the actors. The quality of the actors today just as human beings is BS. They are all so manufactured, like musicians as well. Back then they didn't really know how to manipulate public opinion so well and didn't try to so these people were more authentic.


Oh I think the old studios were pretty good at developing and promoting their stable of stars. But I'm inclined to agree about the current crop of big films and leading actors - hard to imagine them still being watched in 50 or 60 years.
