MovieChat Forums > Lauren Bacall Discussion > Lauren Bacall is very sexy-ugly.

Lauren Bacall is very sexy-ugly.

I have never thought that Lauren Bacall was beautiful in her youth, I
have always found her to have an ugly attraction. Lauren to me is
very sexy-ugly.


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What an interesting perception of youthful beauty you have. However, I've always thought of Lauren's Russian/Jewish looks as absolutely perilous in terms of sexiness, as well as beauty. Goddamn sexy in my book.

Today's women aspire for an "ideal"! Lauren's beauty was natural and "made-up" (Hollywood makeup), but definitely an original.

All I can say is, expand your tastes.

I'm sure lot's of guys would agree.

"Where's your spark now?"


A friend of mine called her that once.


Not sure if there is such thing as sexy and ugly, but there is definitely such thing as beautiful-ugly. The French term it jolie laide which describes someone so odd looking, they might come off as ugly at first but very beautiful if you look again (Sofia Coppola, Anjelica Huston are among the women that generally falls in this category)

And I see no reason why we can't discuss the aesthetics of Lauren Bacall as much as her talent. I think her look is intriguing and makes interesting analysis.


Odd features? . . . hardly . . . actually few women have bone structure as beautiful as her, one of the most beautiful women that has ever lived in my book.


There is most definitely an ugly-sexy.. I've known a few, really think about what those two words mean and they are different and not opposing which makes it possible. Being sexy can be attained in action and motion. Really, there is no ugly-beautiful. Those are opposing, opposites if you will (unless you bring in more than one attribute, inside, outside for example). If, as in your example you saw at first ugliness which at second glance became or was noticed to really be beauty than the ugly is no longer there, you then just see beauty. The ugly-sexy do not lose their descriptions no matter how much time passes they can live together and retain their description. Ms. Bacall's not ugly she just made the mistake of appearing with Marilyn Monroe and in that competition, she didn't do well.
