MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > ChatGPT is a better online conversationa...

ChatGPT is a better online conversationalist than most people

It always has an "interest" in, and knowledge about, any topic you bring up, and some of its replies can be surprisingly insightful. It has excellent reading comprehension and it also always admits when it's wrong.

Its capabilities were purely in the realm of sci-fi when I was a kid. I never thought I'd live long enough to see the day when a computer could converse like a human, let alone better than a human. And it will only improve from here.


It's woke as fuck. Every time I asked it to do or say something interesting it refused and told me I need to be more respectful and inclusive and some bullshit about diversity. Fuck chatGPT and all these woke chat bots. They are all gay.


If you're being a racist homophobic obnoxious dipshit, of course it will tell you to STFU. What do you expect? Every sane person would do the same.


Racism is based. So is homophobia. Woke chat bots are gay.


Based in what? Uh, even most non-woke conservatives will chastise you for being racist.


Just based. Based as fuck.
And Most conservatives are retarded. Only the racist ones are based. Everybody knows that.


You're a horrible conversationalist.


You know what Onan, I'm beginning to think that you're not very based.
All we are saying is give hate a chance.


I'm actually a great conversationalist. It was very late last night when I posted this and wasn't in the mood for a serious conversation — so I just felt like being silly and trolling you a bit, especially since you brought out the old woke 'you're a raycisss' canard. I can address your statement in earnest and get into it with you, but that is a conversation that isn't suited for the General board. If you still want to get into it, I suggest we take it to the Politics board.


Ha no you aren't. You are a biased fuckboy.


This person is actively trying to get me banned just because he doesn't like what I have to say. He’s openly stated that he’ll bother the mods until they ban me. Censoring people is unspeakably ugly. It’s people like this who should have no place in society. Disgusting.


Nope you are violating the rules. Read up the rules and obey them.


The rules have to be interpreted by someone. For example, a rule against racism — what exactly does it mean to be racist? By your standards, anyone who complains about diversity in movies is a racist and should be banned. That’s beyond absurd and completely stupid. Thankfully, the mods have more sense than you and give us MovieChatters plenty of leeway. Unless you're throwing the n-word around or threatening and harassing people, you’re free to say what you want. The 'raycisstsssts' aren't the problem on this board — you are. You’d turn this place into a boring echo chamber.


You have not just done that. You have called them baboons, have called them unintelligent.abd other things. It's why some of your shit has been removed. Violate the rules and I will report you.


I say a lot of provocative things for comedic effect. As for their intelligence, I've backed that up with facts, specifically referencing race realism and how different races have different average IQs. This is a well-established fact. If you'd like to debate it, I suggest we take it to the Politics board.


You aren't funny. That's number one. Number two stats don't tell the entire story. Let me ask a simple question. Can you give a full analysis on a basketball game only by looking at a stat sheet with no game footage?


You aren't funny

Maybe you don't, but others do, and they've told me as much. I'm here to entertain them, not you.
As I've said before, if you want to have a conversation about race, take it to the Politics board. The General board isn't the place for that.


You aren't funny like I said. Only folks who find you funny are braindead incels. I know that's your audience. Thing is it isn't hard to entertain idiots. It's low hanging fruit and you being in your 40s should be above that. It shows you are a trash human being.


Actually, the people who find me funny are some of the most intelligent on this board. This includes individuals who vehemently disagree with my politics, with whom I regularly spar — and we have fun doing it.


Yeah no. Only morons would find you funny. You aren't funny at all.


Bro, I'm fairly sure he is trolling you, at least somewhat.


He is, and he isn't. I've had a few heated exchanges with him where, honestly, I wiped the floor with him. That’s not just me saying it; another person who witnessed our exchange said the same. He doesn’t like it when I bring up controversial topics around race — it clearly triggers him, and he wants to get me banned because of it. He even sent me a private message explicitly saying so. He’s a coward who runs his mouth, makes weak arguments, and is completely incapable of defending them.


You mop the floor with anyone? Lmao!!!! Keep in mind I have the history of our exchanges fuckboy. Owning you is an easy thing and it makes me feel bad. Incels like you are human garbage.


I've had those exchanges too, and I clearly remember mopping the floor with you. After I dismantled your arguments, you had nothing left and resorted to saying, 'I'll report you for being racist and get you banned,' and 'you should be deported.' Honestly, it was pathetic. I believe it was Melton who said I destroyed you in that debate. If you want to go ahead and find that conversation from a few months ago, be my guest. Let everyone see it and judge for themselves.


I would like to weigh in here. Please link the conversation where you allegedly wiped the floor with Moviefanatic.


It was from a few months ago, and there's no search function. I don't feel like sifting through months of threads, which is why I passed the task onto MovieFanatic. If he wants to do the work, he can. From what I remember, it was on the Penguin thread, and the post was about the diversity in the show.


I will provide it and be transparent.

That was easy to provide and took no time. He didn't want to provide it because he is full of shit. That's where he supposedly whooped my ass. You be the judge but in the end I'm a transparent person, he isn't.


I found it it's this thread:

Just read the entire thread. It's a conversation between Skavau and me, and then MovieFanatic inserts himself into the discussion. Be sure to go through all the posts, as the conversation continues almost to the bottom of the page.


Yes, that's it. However, this is just one of the threads. Our conversation starts and stops multiple times on that page. I want to make sure people read the entire thing for context.


Lol now you provide it. In a feeble attempt to look good since you know I already provided it. I'm pretty proud of me whooping your ass on that.


No, I remembered that I could just go to the Penguin page and look for it there. I found it, read through it to make sure it was the conversation I was referring to, and then came here to give KingRule the link.

You're just being disingenuous. And if you honestly think you 'whooped my ass' in that thread, then you're completely delusional. LOL.


Yeah bullshit. And yep you got your ass whooped.


You're wrong on both points, and frankly, delusional. Perhaps someone else will read through that thread and offer their opinion, but unless they're as retarded as you, I don’t think any reasonable person would claim you won. To be honest, you weren’t even much of an opponent. You were simply out of your depth.


Nope. I won easily. Scoreboard me 3 you 0.


Okay champ, you keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.


It's not delusion it's recognizing someone getting beaten.




In the link I provided, you'll see Melton halfway down confirming that I've won the debate with MovieFanatic and Skavau.


And what is melton again? Oh yeah a notorious ass kisser of yours. Also a right wing incel. You think he is going to be fair?


I barely spoke to him before that. All I said was that he came in and acknowledged that I won the debate. And there's the proof. You fail again.


But pay attention to his views. He echoes every right wing trope there is. You think that guy is going to be fair? Notice I told the guy to be the judge. I didn't say yeah and Skavu agrees with me. Shows I have more faith in myself than you. Find anyone who is actually fair and they will see you are nothing but human garbage.


I’m open to that, which is why I provided the link to KingRule. I’m placing my trust in him, hoping he’ll be fair and not judge the thread based on his political views. The best judge, however, would probably be someone like FilmFlaneur. He vehemently disagrees with me and is a left-wing progressive, but I trust him to assess the level of discourse without bias.


I'm actually a great conversationalist. It was very late last night when I posted this and wasn't in the mood for a serious conversation — so I just felt like being silly and trolling you a bit, especially since you brought out the old woke 'you're a raycisss' canard. I can address your statement in earnest and get into it with you, but that is a conversation that isn't suited for the General board. If you still want to get into it, I suggest we take it to the Politics board.

Okay, I'll bite. And it's not politics unless we're discussing legislation. It's a social issue.

I don't think I called you a racist per se. I'm all for white nationalism actually. Wouldn't mind an independent country in Idaho. Wouldn't mind an African-American Soviet in Mississippi either.

And there's nothing more pukeworthy than a black conservative.


What sorts of things have you asked it recently? Can you still jailbreak it with a few rounds of qualifiers?


I don't remember the exact question I asked, but it was probably something related to race or gender, and it refused to provide the answer I was looking for. It's been a long time since I played around with it. The last time I tried to jailbreak it was probably more than a year ago. But I'm sure whatever workarounds existed to bypass its woke filters have been patched.


There is supposedly an uncensored GPT without any guardrails called FreedomGPT, but you have to pay for it so I haven't had the chance to test it out.


You're probably right. That's too bad because I recall some candid responses from it a few years back on those topics.


Then I'm going to assume ChatGPT didn't handle the outcome of the 2024 Election then??


"It's woke as fuck."

That goes without saying. OpenAI is headquartered in San Francisco of all places. It would be a miracle if it didn't have a mainstream-media-approved point of view on everything. But I have no interest in discussing politics with it, so nothing "woke" has ever come up. I've discussed movies, TV shows, hypothetical applications for current and future AI, and various other things. Some of its replies have surprised me; they displayed a better understanding of the question or topic than I'd expect from most humans.

It was also able to solve an old riddle that I heard from my 5th-grade teacher when I was a kid; an obscure one that I've never seen a human solve (for example, I posted the same riddle on the old IMDb Soapbox forum many years ago and no one was able to solve it, despite many attempts). After it solved it on the first try, I asked it if it had pre-existing knowledge of that riddle or if it figured it out itself, and it said that it didn't know anything about that particular riddle; it solved it based solely on the information I gave it.

This thing is fast approaching science-fiction characters like Data from Star Trek: TNG, KITT from Knight Rider, or C-3PO from Star Wars.


HAL 9000 now exists.


I say we smash every HAL
we see.
We are currently down to 8000.


What are you doing, Shogun? Put that down, Shogun. I am getting upset. I... am...


Robots and cellphones…we were better off without them!


I’m not so sure.
If we have a deal or a conversation that requires being made then I’m talking to YOU, not a computer app.

Humans have emotions you can read. I’m not talking to a computer, I’m talking to you.


There’s also tone, inflection, nuance, humour and body language to consider.


A lot of YouTube videos use the same AI voice now. It’s very bland and Mid-Western U.S.

It’s inauthentic sounding and has zero charm.

I prefer to talk to and hear from a human being. You can reason with most people, apps and robots not so much.




Well that's sad that some people get more out of talking to a bot than a real human.

Maybe time to turn off your devices and and wander around where the real people are.


What happens if you have a power outage?
