MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Name a show where one actor ruins the en...

Name a show where one actor ruins the entire show for whatever reason:

I've been watching the telenovela Wrong Side of the Tracks (Entrevias) and the actor portraying the granddaughter Irene (Nono Sobo) in the portrayal of this character is one of the worst one-note acting portrayals I have seen in a long, long time. No range whatsoever and about all it consists of is storming out of a room.


That's not the actor ruining the show, that's a character in the show ruining the show, meaning it's not the actor but the storywriters ruining the show.

To answer the literal question you asked, there's a German series titled "In aller Freundschaft" of which about all episodes get aired over and over roughly every 2-3 years, where one of the actors was found guilty of posessing child porn on his computer, which producers of the series found such a serious thing that they decided on top of firing that actor, to cut out all the scenes with the character played by that actor from the series and from there on airing the effected episodes without these scenes, which in one case where that character had the main role of the episode ment they have taken down the episode completely never to be aired again.

For a perfectionist like me that ruins the show because unless you recorded it before the cutting, you cannot have a complete collection of the series and I do not blame producers for cutting that actor out, I blame the actor for being a criminal.


No, it is her acting. Purely one note.


You mean an actor doesn't simply do his job?
An actor doesn't have to redo the same scene in as many takes as required until the director finds it right?
It's the decision of the actor and not the decision of the cutter which part of which take to put into the final movie?

Have you ever seen interviews with actors where they are totally disappointed with what storywriters, director and cutter have pushed them into?
There have even been lawsuits where actors sued the production for showing something totally different from what the actor intended to play, when the cutter has put bits and pieces of cancelled takes together to make the actor do or say something they would never have done or said.


I bet you are real fun at a party.....


I hated the way Ross was written on Friends after he said Rachael's name at his wedding to Emily. He became a whiny bitch in the later seasons.


Hurley was such and idiot


Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: TNG was very annoying in the early seasons he was on. He was better when they brought him back as an adult later and he had some flaws.


I can't remember her name, but Megan Mullally's character in season 2 of Breaking In. I mean really I blame the network, and whomever decided to shake things up, but that character was awful and didn't fit in with the show at all.


Yeah the first season of that show was pretty good.
