

Believe it or not, that actually was a real thing prior to WWII (at least in Europe, in America it stopped being a thing right after the Revolution, for practical reasons). Could you believe there was actually a time where, if you tried working on Sundays, they'd actually arrest you?! I was shocked when I heard about that in the movie, "Johnny Tremaine."

Churches today actually have a setup for people who work on Sundays, but still want to attend. Some churches have sermons at 6 pm in the evening on Sundays, as well as the mornings, and now some of the churches have their own streaming services, so the sermon can be recorded, and people who missed it or live in other parts of the world can watch it on their computer or Roku when they are awake. Some churches also televise the sermons on tv, in case you live in an area that's too far away from the actual chapel. Before the internet, they had radio programs and a little weekly booklet you could get in the mail called "Our Daily Bread" that you could read.


That's interesting. I am not surprised though. I think Christians forget about the deer choice that God gave people.


The deer choice?


Recently a blind lady was denied entry into her church because they didn't want her service dog inside the church. Their reason was- Religious institutions are exempt from federal laws.

Obviously for the Church, worship is secondary?


You not only didn't answer my question, you used an example that had nothing to do with the subject at hand. What is the "deer" choice? Or was that a typo?

And keep in mind that is just one church out of millions across America. I doubt most churches would deny such a thing to a blind woman. That particular church was being mean. Either that, or she lied about the story just to get attention in the news.


Why would a blind woman lie about being blind just so that she could sneak her dog into church?

I may be wrong but I think that I heard somewhere that Christians do not believe that animals have a soul. So perhaps that is why the dog was denied entry. The dog cannot pay tithes.

And the subject is about Christianity. The Church is part of Christianity. It is the place that Christians worship.


Some Christians think that animals don't have souls, others do, and that when their pets die, they go to heaven, and when their owners eventually pass, they are reunited with that pet (as well as some people they knew) in the afterlife. I'm part of the latter group.

There was no reason for that church to bar entry for the blind woman and her dog. I don't know who they were, but they were wrong.

Keep in mind that there are many different sects of Christianity, particularly in America. Only an idiot lumps us all together into one group. For example, many of us non-denominational Protestant types are very displeased to hear things that certain branches of Mennonites, Catholics, and Mormons have to say on the world or the way they treat women, the Bible, and how people should conduct themselves. We're not fans of Jehovah's Witnesses either. Many of us don't consider the Westboro Baptist Church to be a real sect of Christianity at all, they're a bunch of hateful attention hogs. We're not fans of Petecostal churches either. They act like a cult that only lets you into their little "club" if you can regularly "speak in tongues," which sounds creepy to me.

We're okay with regular southern Baptist churches (they're not much different from regular non-denominational churches, they just baptize people every Sunday morning instead of every few months). Some Methodist churches are okay. Lutheran churches aren't so bad either, but they tend to be a tad more traditional than your average protestant church.

So I'm guessing when you wrote "I think Christians forget about the deer choice that God gave people," you actually miswrote that and meant to say Christians forget about the free will He gave people.


I don't think that anyone should follow Christianity until all these different types Churches get things sorted out. There was only 1 Jesus Christ and only 1 God and the Holy Spirit. Collectively they preached the same rules and lifestyle.

So get it sorted out before your people start making Sundays the mandatory day of rest for the entire world population.


1.) We sorted it out 248 years ago with the Freedom of Religion part in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

2.) We're never going to rule the world. The closest we came was Europe between the Dark Ages and the late 18th century. Contrary to popular belief, the Catholic church did provide stability in a wild, chaotic, primitive world like that, and they actually did not stagnate the local cultures or halt scientific progress at all. And even then, people were not happy with how the Catholics were doing it the moment they realized how corrupt the institution got, and the Reformation happened.

3.) Having a day of rest has been a thing for thousands of years, possibly even predating Christianity, because humans basically cannot handle working 7 days a week, 365 days a year, with no day off. Things like that caused slave revolts, as people in the BC era found out.

4.) You sound like you've been watching that stupid show, "The Handmaid's Tale." Keep in mind that it was based on a book written by a bitter, man-hating, atheistic woman from Canada who hated Reagan and wrote her novel in response to his policies in America in the 1980s. No Christian in their right mind would ever do even a quarter of the things the Sons of Jacob did in that book or tv series. Anyone who believes that would happen in real life should check themselves into a mental hospital and get their head checked, because such a thing would never happen in the US. You're more likely to see Muslims do things like that (and they have, by the way) than Christians.


What's wrong with having one day a week off for rest? We need this, just like we need the holiday season so there is something to look forward to.
Running in high gear 24/7/365 isn't healthy. There needs to be a rhythm to life, otherwise people will get burned out.
Corporate greed, commercialism, materialism and crass consumerism have ruined both the holiday season and weekends. No wonder there is such a foul mood in this country these days.
Chick-fil-A restaurants are closed on Sundays and they are still thriving. And as other posters have mentioned, there were at one time laws prohibiting commerce on Sundays. People survived this and were probably happier because of it.


You're missing the point. I'm not taking about having just a day off. That should have been obvious.

Why does that day off HAVE to be a mandatory Sunday for the entire world population?


I wouldn't necessarily have to be a Sunday in parts of the world where there is no significant Christian population.

Some mentioned Jews and Muslims in a post above. How about Fridays off (for Muslims), Saturdays off (for Jews) and Sundays off (for Christians). A three-day weekend for everyone!


Because then people couldn't work 40 hours. I'd be okay every business closing Saturday and Sunday but 3 days off every week would make people less money.


I think working 5 days in a row is too repetitive.


How about we leave religion separated from national policy?


seperation of church and state? Agreed. Keep the state out of church.

However, as human beings, every fiber of our human existance and spiritality is automatically part of the way we run the state for fellow humans.

That's how life is on Earth.


The Church? You make it sound like a business.


yeah, I hear that Chick-fil-A is going out of business very soon. They've been closed Sundays forever.

....oh, wait.... ;)


Vatican City is pretty much run by the Church and it operates every day of the week.

Interesting Trivia:
When it was first established, there were some occupations that Christians were not permitted to do on Sunday. The government solved that problem by allowing non-Christians to settle who could work those jobs. As a result, there is actually a Jewish community inside Vatican City.


Of course. Priests still get horny on Sunday. How else they gonna get them alter boys in there.


But at least we would finally be able to get rid of the rest of them durned heathen injuns!


This has gotten poltical. re-post it there,if you must.
