By suggestions. Not sure what you are asking here? It can create, edit, mix videos.... lets say it recreated some historical event, as a general video dramatization, but altered some significant perspective of it.... I'm no history buff, so making up some random thing here.... say, Napleon supports Isreal or something like that... will these idiot kids that think the internet is real, pick up on that and start to believe it into existance?
Let's say AI bots and fake profiles start posting crap on facebook to affect social attitudes toward AI and or politics, Facebook spreads crap people believe faster than news or rumor... people forward assuming true and people start believing en mass. I have seen this happen.
Take that and apply it to historical events. Maybe the film or video created is nothing more than a recreation, but lets say AI twists part of it to change peoples minds. that's what I am talking about.