What's the weather like where you are?
It's mostly been throwing it down with rain here in Notts UK, sadly no festive snow.
shareIt's mostly been throwing it down with rain here in Notts UK, sadly no festive snow.
sharecold with a dusting of snow
All wrapped up warm in a plad sweater and toque?
shareMostly hot and sunny in Vietnam 🇻🇳. We had a couple of overcast days, but we would go and do some shopping. On the odd occasion it rained, it was thankfully at night.
shareDry right now and the temps are in the 30s-40s. I'm in Kansas.
shareMid 40s raw and wet. I'm across the pond near Boston and historically it should be a lot colder with snow on the ground.
shareLow 30s F to low 40s F, overcast and some drizzles.
Not too bad for the region really, the black ice on the roads can be a bit alarming in the early morning . I tend to drive the speed limit and stay fairly safe.