Being gay is superior to being straight
* No need to worry about unwanted pregnancies.
*Easier sex: If i want sex, I could just open Grindr and have a hook up in 15 minutes.
*The same gender bonds better. I feel like men understand each other better than men and women do, but that's me.
*Less societal pressures: I don't have to worry about when getting married and having kids. Sure, I could settle down in the future and adopt, but I have way less pressure and rush than straight people usually do.
The only downside I see is discrimination. But in any developed nation nowadays, it is fairly easy to be gay. I've already cut all the bigoted relatives from my life anyway, I don't need toxic people surrounding me.
I think if being gay was a choice, lots of straight men would choose to be gay. Do you really think those incels who can't get laid to a woman, wouldn't choose to be gay if they had the option to?