What's good for a hangover
Got any tips to cure a hangover.
shareNot getting drunk is a good cute for a hangover.
shareA big bottle of Gatorade, antacid and Tylenol.
shareElectrolytes like Gatorade as well Coffee and bread.
shareEat even if you're not hungry. Helps, but usually you just gotta tough it out.
shareMenudo - A Mexican Soup made of Cow Stomachs. Sounds nasty but it tastes good and the cow stomachs act as a layer of protection for your own fucked up stomach and help a lot with hangover.
the number one hangover cure tho is to quit drinking. I been alcohol free for 1 and a half years and never felt happier and healthier in my whole adult life. still do drugs tho 😎
Sleep and water.
Signed, million man.