MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I hate being stuck in dead end jobs

I hate being stuck in dead end jobs

I hate it
That is all.


And dead end jobs hate being stuck to you.

--Michael D. Clarke


Don't make me hurt you.......


Think about what else you can do. I hate to put this forth without knowing you but substitute teacher, no degree required.


Really? Here in Canada, at least in BC and Ontario, you need a degree for a substitute teacher.

--Michael D. Clarke


I would love to walk into a Canadian Kindergarten, so much fun.


Degree required here
Everything requires previous experience (and no one helps you get the experience)


Do you have any idea what you want to do?


I would love to work with software, in film, or as a gardener or cook. But the first two are unattainable and the other are very low pay compared to my current line of work.


Film? Start a YouTube channel.

Try to create an interesting one in which people will subscribe. Get enough subscribers and you can get sponsorships to make even more money.


I have 4k on a small channel. Can't get paid because they pick up on the copyright


Do original content in order to be paid.


I'm sorry for your situation. I truly sympathise. The people lecturing you and wagging their finger, aren't being helpful.


Well, if you are as fast and loose with the pro-Hitler talk irl as you are here, it's no wonder your career isn't going anywhere!


Where's the 'pro-Hitler' talk? I don't see it.

All I see is a blue-collar guy who's struggling with their economically and professional straightened circumstances.

Or is this another example of the neoliberal strategy for silencing/censoring the blue-collar working-class and economically struggling? Accuse them of being far-right bigots/racists?

And don't bother posting some links to some vaguely 'pro-Hitler' posts in response. I despise Hitler and anyone who simps for the man and his agenda, but THIS thread isn't about Hitler/the Nazis. It's about the evils of neoliberalism/capitalism, and I'm tired of the centre-right always trying to derail intelligent, sensible and reasonable left-wing discussions regarding socioeconomic justice (see Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn), by making mendacious bad faith accusations about 'anti-Semitism', or some other 'far-right' bullshit. I KNOW what you're doing, and speaking as someone who hasn't EVER said anything racist or anti-Semitic in their life, you try that shitty strategy with me, you're going to fall fucking flat, pal. 😠👊🏿



I didn't mean on this post in particular, I'm just aware of his posting history...Here's an example:

MovieChat Forums > Adolf Hitler Discussion > He was a kind, sensitive man, who loved ...
He was a kind, sensitive man, who loved animals, children, strictly vegetarian
posted 19 days ago by Noir (216)
He was a kind, sensitive man, who loved animals and children. Strictly vegetarian, he enjoyed nature, culture, the arts, and travelling around the world, particularly to Argentina. He was a man with a world vision for all cultures and included everybody.


Are you sure the OP wasn't being ironic with those posts? The 'particularly to Argentina' line strikes me as a giveaway that the OP wasn't being serious when he typed those posts.

Maybe their humour is in very bad taste, but it doesn't necessarily mean they're sincere Hitler enthusiasts.


That isn't me


That's good, go with that! 🤣🤣🤣


It isn't me, why are you dragging Hitler into this? Jeez.. it doesn't make me a nazi to want a more fulfilling career


So, it's someone else posting under your account, then? I don't understand what it is you're claiming...


Would you prefer to be broke and unemployed?


Sometimes I do that to change things up


That's perfectly reasonable, sorry to hear you're in that position. Have you thought about taking a class in something you are interested in, just to have some fun/creative outlet to counter the bs of reality?


Meh, most stuff you can teach yourself with the internet. My main hobbies are sound production and art. They're fun but it doesn't change the situation.


It's not just about learning, being around other people who're interested in the same stuff as you is invigorating and you'd be more likely to find a career path through the connections and through the class. But yeah, it's not a great situation.


Man you know what you often find? Other people hunting for connections in the biz. And guess what no one ever is. Best thing you can aim for is to make a buddy or two for a while. I feel better off alone.
