Metaphysical existence
Do you consider existence a metaphysical given?
And would consciousness itself be a prerequisite for a axiomatic metaphorical hierarchical substructure of a supermundane mystical actuality?
Do you consider existence a metaphysical given?
And would consciousness itself be a prerequisite for a axiomatic metaphorical hierarchical substructure of a supermundane mystical actuality?
Look: somebody’s trying to build his word power. How cute.
Now read your post aloud with stones in your mouth, against the roar of the ocean.
Hint: no sentence begins with a conjunction.
"Look: somebody’s trying to build his word power. How cute."
Just a bit of tomfoolery.
Oh, and starting a sentence with "and" is perfectly acceptable.
Not only are you an asshole, you're completely wrong.
There is nothing wrong with starting sentences with “and,” “but,” or other similar conjunctions. You may, however, encounter people who mistakenly believe that starting a sentence with a conjunction is an error, so consider your audience when deciding to structure your sentences this way.,structure%20your%20sentences%20this%20way.
You missed something else.
shareWell it depends on what you mean by "...would consciousness itself be a prerequisite for a axiomatic metaphorical hierarchical substructure of a supermundane mystical actuality ? "
The first part of the question is legitimate. Is existence a metaphysical given?
The second part word inspired by Jordan Peterson's frequent word salad of four of his favourites - axiomatic, metaphorical, hierarchical and substructure.
I simply could not resist
I thought I detected a steaming bowlful of Jordan Peterson speak ! He also likes to use "substrate" a lot.
HAHAHA I think you are not only right but that I made a terrible boo boo by using substructure instead. It should have been his pet "substrate"
shareWell I'm glad to have helped you to "instantiate" that correction.
Well that depends on what you mean by "instantiate". And Jung said a lot about instantiation. Weed need to decode the moral substrate underpinning the substructures of egalitarian equality-of-outcome driven societies.
*crocodile tears start forming*
Well, you know, this could be one of your famed Neo-liberal Marxists tricks.
Existence is not a given.
shareWhy not ? How could you ask the question if you weren't real ? What is all THIS ? If we don't call it real, would would we call real otherwise ?
Put another way, all we have is all we have to call real. What we don't have we can't even imagine, beyond the mere concept. If we aren't real, then what are we ? And if we aren't, why are we ?
Sure, "I think therefore I am" is the beginning of everything.
There are other ideas out there though. Hindu's believe everything is an illusion, Brahma is dreaming. We may be figments in a dream.
There is also a very materialistic way to look at it. I've heard that thoughts are just electrical impulses traveling between synapses in the brain. Maybe these impulses create an illusion of being. Look at it like we are just giant machines of flesh and blood. But there is no real soul, no real being. A computer may act like it thinks, but does it really?
In my view it is not cogito ergo sum, it is rather 'I think -because- I am'. The rocks don't need us around to sense them for their existence - their existence is independent of our or any life. They were, after, here before us.
We are in fact & in essence material beings, everything about us is mediated within matter & energy, our thoughts are indeed encapsulated within a neural structure firing ion potentials and inter-neural transmitter chemicals. We communicate mechanically. That's all a given. There is absolutely nothing detectably or even plausibly immaterial about us, or any organism, everything that lives being derived from a single organic root ancestor.
If existence is illusory, some account must be made for the complex emergence of the universe in general, the process of evolution in particular - since it is not merely a tape being run, but a vast process, in which the rules of physics are always observed, but happenstance (asteroids colliding with earth, million-long years of ice-age or magma flows) works vast changes upon the planet and the life upon it.
Imagining some puppet-master spinning yarns/simulations seems the far less likely explanation than raw staggeringly complex yet consistent existence manifest. I do expect a trained philosopher will be able to spot some logical errors or lack of 'rigor' in my account, since people continue to dispute these things, but I have a hard time taking such disputes seriously.
Metaphysical existence ? Sure. Why not ? What would be the harm of being wrong ? How could we ever demonstrate that we were wrong ? And if not, how real of a question is it ? Can the unreal ask real questions ? I do believe the real can ask unreal questions, and this is one of them.
If I never look both ways before crossing the street, I will eventually be run over. That's real enough.
Yes the hierarchy is based on materialism, if you put that aside and look at epistomology, then you understand that Axiology is really just in your head.
shareImpressive, most impressive.
shareAxiology is the study of value. It's not just in our heads. You body values a snake very dangerously and urgently. It is reflex. People who have never been exposed to snakes jump when they see a snake for the first time, or something that looks like a snake. So, higher valuations and money and status may in our heads, a lot of it is reflexive in our brainstems and bodies. Like picking a mate, who you think is high value ... you can't think yourself into or out of that.
shareHmm...Talking metaphysics on moviechat. I think I've found the adolescent.
Imagine coming to an entertainment message board to talk philosophy, and then berate those who are here to talk about entertainment.