MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Javier Bardem vs. Antonio Banderas

Javier Bardem vs. Antonio Banderas

Which do you prefer?

I would have said Bardem hands down until recently with Banderas returning to his homeland and turning in showstopping performances in Pain & Glory and Official Competition.

I do prefer Bardem’s look but as for talent I call this one a tie.


Banderas all the way. I tend to find Bardem's performances to be heavily overrated, but that's just me.


Depends on Banderas era.

When he was young he was a sexy latino, now he looks frail and old in comparison.

I don't like seeing him like this.

Bardem has much better pronunciation of English, but his voice isn't as cool.


Banderas is more fun to watch, and I personally just like his roles more.


Bardem by a mile
