MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Christmas card friends

Christmas card friends

I never hear from these people, ever, throughout the year but they keep sending me these cards with just their signature, some add a generic holiday greeting. Why? It’s like “hey I’m still alive and so you are you, bye.”


next year don't open them & send them back to sender.. if they call you after the fact then you'll know they have true concern & maybe make an effort to reconnect


I don’t want to reconnect or give any sign that might suggest that. I am just baffled why they keep sending cards with just their name on them, no news about themselves, no curiousity about my life. It is just absurd.


guess i've made those things clear to any & everyone cause i didn't get a single card


Lucky you! What did you do?


They're still thinking about you. Don't be such a grump!


I only send Christmas cards to my grandson, my son and his family, and my stepdaughter and her family. Everyone else I see frequently during the holidays and I tell them Merry Christmas in person.


We send thousands of cards to our clients, but that’s business, so it doesn’t count.

Personally, I give two; one for Mrs K and one for Miss K.


i have this guy who is 90 years of age now and i have been doing his taxes for 40 years. every year he leaves a card and a box of chocolates in my mailbox. he came through last thursday before the storm.


I got a hamburger from In and Out Burger a few days before Xmas and the counter guy hands me a card and says Merry Christmas. I open it and he had actually signed it.


someone is interested.


I don’t send cards anymore and I don’t receive any either which is sort of a relief.
It’s just one less thing to be all busy with, plus my hand writing is awful, it’s real bad, nobody could read whatever I wrote anyway, not even me.

I do text my close peeps but that’s probably not as classy.
