

Bullshit. I require animals die for every meal I eat. Unlike you precious snowflakes, I'll even kill it, skin it, gut it and put it in the pot.


sounds snowflaky to me

I can eat a either a cheese sandwich with no meat, or a rump steak , without any bitching about what i require


Good for you. Who's bitching???


Eating ice cream is not a requirement. It's a choice.


No. It's a requirement.






If God didn't want us to eat animals He wouldn't have made them so delicious.


If God didn't want us to be cannibals, he wouldn't have made us of meat!




The Pescatarian diet exists for a reason a lot of coastal town like San Francisco,Seattle,Boston and Miami probably eat that on a regular basis


Actually I've tried vegan sausage and it's horrible.


Is eating plants or almost anything a choice?


Humans are animals animals eat animals.



If you support cannibalism then turn-yourself-in, soccer team plane crash cannibalism incident is the only exception because they were stranded and couldn't forage anything due to the cold temps of the Andes.



"If you eat animals, then you are one step away from supporting cannibalism."

A bit of stretch if you factor the pescatarian diet that is humane diet quit grasping at straws


No, nowhere in the history of mankind has that been true. Cannibalism has been taboo in almost every culture on earth. And even most non-human carnivores will not eat others of their species.


Our superior intelligence classifies us as part of the kingdom of animalia

Regsrdless,eating is a baser instinct, hard to really argue about higher level intelligencewhen talking about animal intelligence

Sex, food,and war are all very animal of us, humans are not that far beyond our primate cousins


i have a lot of sympathy for animals, especially dogs, animal cruelty drives me crazy. i understand why people choose not to eat animals, i'd change a hell of a lot when it comes to how animals are treated, especially those used for food.

Having said that my girlfriends father is one of the best dentists in the country, he's noticed that since all these vegan fads have started, lets say mainly over the last 5 or 6 years, the amount of people who are losing teeth because they don't have enough levels of proteins, certain minerals and especially collagen that come from meat is going thru the roof.

we do need to eat meat.



it's not safe, i also ask myself how many vegans wear leather belts, leather shoes and a whole host of other things that come from animals, it's that i don't see veganism being about animal rights (which i support) it seems more like a political movement thats linked to other causes, that are never about the cause, it's about something much bigger.

always beware of fads.



you know PETA is reviled by everyone



It is they are zealots





Those are legitimate sources im not anti-vegan or vegetarian


Unfortunately we live in a time where people are likely to adopt a label to describe themselves even ifvthey do not know what that label means or whatnpropleunder that label arefighting for
Vegan is too often used as synonym for vegetarian



It's possible to get enough protein from a vegan diet to meet your nutritional requirements, but it's actually difficult. Only a few vegetable sources contain the complete array of amino acids that humans need to make the proteins that are the building blocks of our muscles and tissues, so vegans need to carefully combine plant-based foods to ensure that they get all the nutrients necessary to get enough protein in their diets... and most don't bother. They assure each other than vegetable foods are so full of protein that they don't need to worry as long as they eat beans, I mean I've even had a very intelligent MD tell me that! So yes, I've seen vegans suffering medical complications from low blood protein levels.

So that's one reason I'm a vegetarian and not a vegan. Another is... CHEESE, CHEESE, DELICIOUS CHEESE!!! Seriously, I do eat veggie proteins and make some effort to combine things like corn and beans, but I also eat animal products like Greek yogurt and eggs, which are loaded with complete proteins. And cheese! My vegetarian breakfast this morning was a length of fresh baugette, with soft goat cheese and honey, and a little pot of strong tea. Vegan food just isn't that tasty.


I like food.
