This is a solid answer though the OP is suspected of being a Troll with a new handle… The beat goes on🙄
One thing I can add for sure is that the city of Yonkers which is just minutes North of NYC has been welcoming film shoots for ages now
Kevin bacon once filmed parts of Loverboy in my neighborhood, it was a boring ass movie but I saw his film crew and his wife, there’s even a line in the film where she is walking up a hill with a small boy and looks into a garden of Ivy and says ‘Look at that pretty birdbath’
That was my block, that was my hill and that was my birdbath
In my garden…I’m thinking that sort of makes me famous and my birdbath would give autographs but I forgot to wrap it in plastic one winter and it cracked apart:/
Anyway, yeah, New York is stage acting and Cali is for movies/TV