why is it wrong to make race/people specific movies?
let's have a level headed, thought provoking discussion on this.
why is it wrong to make race specific movies?
for simple example:
- white dudes (too many to mention) make movies staring many white dudes forever, aimed at white audiences
- blacks, like Jordan Peele and Tyler Perry, make movies with many black actors for black audiences
- women make movies staring, about, and for women
- Indian people make movies featuring all Indian actors for Indian peoples
- gays make movies staring gays for gay audiences
- Asians make movies staring Asians for Asian audiences
and many more. those are not absolutes, just some obvious examples, where statistics, and even stereo types are factual.
along comes IMDB comments in most films that say:
"Why aren't there MORE blacks/asians/indians/gay/trans/women/etc in the film? We are under represented and too much white"
I'm summarizing and paraphrasing with that, to present my question,
"Why is it so wrong for specific groups or races to make films that mostly or only include people of that group?" Why? What is WRONG with that? Why is diversity required?
One goes to watch a baseball game and doesn't yell, "Why aren't there more football players or golfers or basketball players in this?"
One doesn't drink an orange soda pop and wonder, "Why isn't there more grape and vanilla and root beer and alcohol and tea flavor in this?"
One does not buy a pick up truck and think, "Why doesn't this float on the water better or cling tighter on the race track or mow the lawn better?"
Where's that diversity?
Jordan Peele literally says, "I don’t see myself casting a white dude as the lead" and I get that, and I am fine with that - I encourage that and love his work - but, people will take it wrong, and sensationalize that. Why? He's seen that movie with the white leads and gets to make films with black leads. I'm great with that, have no problem with that, encourage that, and also have no problem with all white movies. Films are made for specific audiences.
I've never gone to an action sci-fi film and thought, "Why isn't there more touching, female drama in this?" Or watched a RomCom and thought, "Why isn't there more action and robots and explosions in this?"
Trying to wrap my head around specifics as to why it is wrong for race or groups to make films aimed at their audiences... why is there always a mixed race couple shoe horned in, why a gay, an Asian, etc... all the characters have to be diverse.
Where does this make sense?
Blacks, women, Indian, gay, Asian, etc can make race/group specific, but whites can not?