Do you look down at jobless people?
I'm not jobless, but the only work I do is a part-time contract job. I'm looking for better work, though.
Me, I kind of feel for jobless people, though.
I'm not jobless, but the only work I do is a part-time contract job. I'm looking for better work, though.
Me, I kind of feel for jobless people, though.
A friend is chronically underemployed, largely because she took years away from the workforce to care for aging parents who treated her like dirt and who left her nothing. This is how the world repays basic decency.
So I don't look down on the jobless, I look down on druggies.
I hope not.
There are so many factors that go into unemployment: economic ones, psychological ones, physical ones, &c. It's complicated.
And I've never been of the opinion that people should be forced into subsistence level employment they don't want to do. I don't personally believe a system that forces employment on to individuals is good either for those individuals or the companies they work for. So, in the rare instances where someone really is simply and provably 'too lazy' to get a job, I may raise an eyebrow but I don't think I look down on them.
Although it is not imminent by any stretch of the imagination, a time is coming when automation may throw millions out of work. And we'll need to rethink our society and the attitudes towards work it inculcates. All our socioeconomic theories across the range from laissez-faire capitalism through to Leninist-Marxist communism are centred around labour. It will be interesting to see what kind of society and what kind of values will emerge in an economic reality where work is significantly rarer...
... although it may be so distant than none of us here will be alive to see it.
But, no, no I don't think I look down on jobless people. I consider that kind of condescension to be a vice.
Depends on why they're jobless, if they're some trailer park hick that enjoys swigging Budlight all day and watching Nascar highlights or some hoodrat that spends all day drinking 40s while standing on the street corner, then yes.
sharelately in a red state and people are kinda sick of everything since covid
Sometimes, if they are short.
If they are midgets, yes.