

If you are not physically handicapped, the decent thing and the ethical thing to do is to leave the handicapped spot for someone who might really need it - like someone who uses a wheelchair van, who genuinely needs extra space to get able to get out of their vehicle and get on with their errands. Duh.

What the fuck kind of twerp even has to ask this question?


Pretty harsh


"If you are not physically handicapped"

"you have a handicap permit for your car"



Do you know how easy it is to get a blue tag? I know several people who got one for a condition they no longer have and still use it. For some reason, the states don't issue red tags to people who are applying for a handicap due to recent surgery.

Most people who have a blue handicap tag certainly don't need it anymore. There just is no agency that goes back to check that you actually still need that handicap tag.


Good god, you people are morons.

It was a simple question. I was obviously assuming the person was handicapped. You would think the phrases 'another handicapped person' and 'Your handicap doesn't preclude you' would tip you off to that.

Learn to read.


It's more like you just don't understand how evil people are... there are thousands of people out there abusing the handicap tags. Your scenario is a classic example of someone who is abusing the tag, either you actually need the handicap space or you don't and are abusing the tag. Getting to park a little closer because you're too lazy to walk a few steps isn't the reason there are regulations to make those spots.


"It's more like you just don't understand how evil people are."

Still not grasping it are you? It's a HYPOTHETICAL question. I set the rules for the scenario. No one is evil in this framework. It's just a moral decision between two choices.

Just admit you're too stupid to understand.


New ethical question: Can you post a question about a moral dilemma here without assholes jumping on it?

Doesn't look like it.


Ad hominems don't change that we're right... the fact is that there is no moral dilemma, you admit that you don't need the handicap space and now are being super defensive over being called out on that you don't need it. If you don't need the space then you shouldn't be using it.


Wow. So now you're so stupid you can't understand that someone who needs a handicap spot can walk a few extra feet to spare a handicap spot for another handicapped person?

If you had even a bit of intelligence, you would've realized the question wasn't about someone ripping off the use of handicap tags. If I thought someone would be dumb enough to think that, I would've clarified that in the question. Lesson learned.

Note to self: Don't underestimate the stupidity of the idiots here.


More ad hominems. The fact remains that you can WALK! Unlike the people who actually need the space. If you have a specific condition you want to talk about, then perhaps you might even explain why this person is driving a car if walking causes physical distress.

The state will revoke your right to drive if you are not physically well enough to do so.


If you were actually so intellectually superior, it wouldn't even be the "moral dilemma" you make it appear to be, drama queen. As it's already been pointed out, the choice would be simple, maybe even instinctive.

If you don't like the feedback you're getting, maybe you should learn to create thread topics that are actually interesting, instead of coming across like some cheap huckster desperate for attention.


you're being silly. it's actually a fun & interesting question. & i think the answer probably isn't what you might intuitively think.


You can get a handicapped parking sticker for temporary conditions such as broken legs, which heal. I know several people who have handicapped stickers but who aren't handicapped, either they got over the condition that earned them the sticker, or the sticker is because they transport or transported a handicapped family member.

Yes, people have stickers/placards even if they have no physical limitations, and anyone who uses them to take up a handicapped spot is 10 kinds of asshole.


And the moron doubles down on his stupidity.


This is really the only right answer, the main benefit of the handicap space isn't the closer distance, but that it is wheelchair accessible. It's akin to parking in the EV space if you aren't driving an EV or if you aren't going to be charging your vehicle.


Many handicapped spaces don't have the extra space. If that was a factor in the decision, I would've mentioned it.



Where do you live? If it isn't wheelchair accessible then it isn't a legal handicap space and the place can be fined for not having handicap parking.


I can't take the stupidity any longer.

You've been put on ignore.


Calling facts stupid doesn't change that they're facts. You're fishing for people to give you permission to abuse the handicap placard.

I should note that you also only went after the people who were against you abusing the placard. Everyone who gave a non-serious answer didn't get your anger directed at them.


my uncle had one of those stickers, never knew why cause he wasn't disabled


take the handicap parking spot.


I have a friend with cerebral palsy who is wheelchair bound. If those spots are taken up by someone who really doesn’t need them she is pretty much unable to go inside.


But it comes down to 'really doesn't need them', doesn't it? A handicapped person may NEED a handicapped spot, but they can get by with a spot right next to a handicapped spot.

Your scenario would make me think that it might be better if the person in the situation I described took the regular spot, and left the handicapped spot open.



i'd say take the handicapped spot.

cuz if there are only 2 spots left, the next driver is almost certainly going to be non-handicapped, and you'll be leaving him without a spot. i think it's better to play averages. how many handicap-permitted cars are out there. 1/50? 1/100? odds say take the handicapped spot because the next customer will need the regular spot more than likely.

if there were more spots open and there wasn't a scarcity issue for regular drivers, then i'd say take the regular slot and leave the handicapped space for someone who really needs it.


That's obscenely greedy, there are always spaces for lazy regular drivers, just often very few spaces right next to the door. Laziness is never a good reason to take the handicap space, but it is the most frequent reason people take it.


No it isn't.
It's a perfectly reasonable & measured approach.
If you take the regular spot you'll take it away from the next customer who will almost certainly be non handicapped.



I think this post needs to be read twice. It's easy to miss the part where the car that you are driving has a handicap permit.


Thanks to those who understood the question and gave serious answers.

Personally, I can see both sides.


If you have a handicap permit for your car, you or the passenger should be handicapped, correct? If either of those handicapped people can walk the distance of the extra spot, leave the handicap spot open. Otherwise if it's too great a distance, park in the handicap spot.
