MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Can we say that cinema is a product of "...

Can we say that cinema is a product of "white culture"?

Tessa Thompson, a biracial actress, said she doesn't want to turn up to set and "see a bunch of white people or white men".

Did it ever occur to her that cinema has its origin in white culture?

As in white men who invented cameras, lighting equipment, sound recording equipment, etc etc?

White men who founded movie studios?

That the industry sees the skills passed on from white fathers to white sons?

But apparently her as a non-white female wants the industry to change what it is so she can feel more comfortable on set.

Imagine if female blacks had invented cinema and a white actor said "I don't want to turn up on set and see a bunch of black people or black women, I want diversity".

Let that sink in.


Imagine a white person saying they fit want to turn up and see a bunch of black people?!


Yeah, imagine that. Oh wait, I don’t have to imagine, I just have to click on any black actor’s profile on moviechat to find a similar sentiment.

Too many blacks! Unrealistic! Woke woke woke boo hoo hoo…

But no, totally, one actress’s comment saying she would prefer to work in a more diverse environment is hypocritical and unfair. Would you like a tissue, pet?


Keep being racist.


That’s waycist to you thanks very much!

But I do appreciate the two dollar attempt at reverse psychology. Ultra impressive.


Meh I discovered your kind aren't worth the effort.


And yet you’ve already wasted 2 of your precious 283 posts replying to my kind.

That’s some effort, at least.


Not really.


I was hoping you’d go for the hat trick! We can be friends now 🙂

Seriously, why so dark, horsey? Did an actress say something you disagree with? You might have to man up, or stallion up, or whatever.




No need to imagine since Jim Crow, redlining, white flight and other forms of racism are real. Just because institutional racism is done more secretly today doesn't mean it's gone.


Bring back Jim Crow. People like yourself are the true racists.


=> ignore


White men who founded movie studios?
Black men were still virtually in chains at the time movie studios were invented

That the industry sees the skills passed on from white fathers to white sons?
That right there explains why black people are still at a disadvantage

People like you spout shit like "You're not a slave , and I dont own slaves , theres no problem anymore ..yada yada ..."
That the industry sees the skills passed on from white fathers to white sons?
Applies in all kinds of circles, at all levels , not least "old money"

Yes , there are poor white people too , dont pull that card out your ass , that is totally irrelevent.

Having said that this black actress you mention sounds like she's "shooting herself in the foot" , and should be glad of any sort of chance, like any actor should be . How can she expect a bunch of black people to be working there if she wont go work there ??




we can say that western/european culture was largely a white culture, except on the edges of art & entertainment & music, and excluding asian & african cultures which remained on the periphery of that culture, well into the 20th century.

the demographics of our films, literature, political & industrial & social elites make any other assessment very hard to plausibly maintain.

but so what ? things change.


"That the industry sees the skills passed on from white fathers to white sons?"

As a result of white supremacy, racism and discrimination against women.


That supremacy is a product of "first mover advantage", no different to companies like Microsoft or Apple being the first to implement products.

Would you be happy if the courts broke up these companies and gave their wealth and market position to people who say "I want that success".


What are you ranting about? Steve Job had stolen from HP in order to create Apple. Bill Gates had stolen from Kindell in order to create Microsoft.

You're unaware that nothing is created in a vacuum. People are helped by an earlier invention in order to move forward. For instance, a car first needed the wheel to be invented.

I notice you limit yourself. If you were less snowflakey, you'd allow yourself to read history books to learn what you obviously don't know about contributions made from countries and cultures around the world. But, like Colonel Nathan R. Jessup said, you can't handle the truth.


Black people invented the tv and movies and books and theater. That's why they feel so entitled.




Yawn. I'm so outraged by the problems you invent in your head and pass off as actual issues.
You are hardly as intelligent or enlightened as you think, you're a fucken caricature.



davo gets it


On the surface you are right, but it shouldn't matter. Americans have been conditioned by the wealthy via media, political activists, and politicians to be triggered over the concept of race because it gives those people power and weakens the citizenry. The concept of black and white was created to prevent poor whites from sympathizing with slaves. It's still used that way and it's used to keep Americans bickering at each other for a distraction.
