Charles Bronson or Burt Reynolds
Which do you think made better movies?
sharethey both irritated me, but you'd have to give the nod to reynolds for versatility.
shareGood question
Let's Add them up! Scale 1-5 (lesser given for supporting roles)
Bronson's best:
Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) +5
Death Wish (1974) +4
The Mechanic (1972) +3
The Great Escape (1963)(supporting role) +3
The Dirty Dozen (1967 (supporting) +3
Hard Times (1975)+3
Telefon (1977)+2
The rest of his crap movies +1
Burt Reynolds best:
Smokey and the Bandit +5
Deliverance (supporting) +3
The Longest Yard +4
Gator +3
Hooper +3
Semi Tough +2
Boogie Nights (supporting) +2
The rest of his crap +1
Bronson by a 👃
deliverance was his best movie. i'm sure he agreed with that assessment.
shareBurt Reynolds was more fun, I mean he could be very funny as an actor, and he made some movies that were fun and enjoyable.
Bronson made humorless action movies, which some people love, but I don't.
I haven't seen much of either actor, though I know both have had very long and successful careers. I haven't seen a Reynolds' film as good as Once Upon a Time in the West but I haven't seen a Bronson performance as good as Reynolds' in Boogie Nights, which I think deserved winning an Oscar. Based on that, which is not very much, I will go with Reynolds.
I liked Reynolds but Death Wish explored an era in local history where people seemed to wish a lone shooter would go out and wipe the streets clean of violent lunatics...NYC was a disaster at that time
bronson had the physiognomy and affect of what we used to call 'a hard guy'. i'm not sure how much acting was involved.
the man was wooden.
He was the genuine article, fast hands and tough
I cannot provide a link as I forget where I even read it but one of his various directors shadow boxed and rough-housed with him one time and said you could not overpower nor predict Charles in a fight
Bronson was a legit badass
Bronson. Although neither one of them made masterpieces, Bronson films are more entertaining for me than Reynold's films.
sharebronson never had a lot of range. reynolds just played himself as someone mentioned.
shareReynolds wins for me, Likability is a big factor me and Bronson was always so dour. Close your eyes for a second and try to picture Bronson laughing in a movie, I can't picture it.