Why is child rape so common in Hollywood?
shareYou are an idiot
shareAm I? It's common knowledge pedophilia is rampant in Hollywood. Some examples, Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, abuse of Corey Feldman & Corey Haim, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, etc. The list goes on and on.
shareI'm sure this stuff doesn't happen AT ALL in the common community. (sarcasm alert)
Trying to label Holly "Weird" as something that isn't common is like setting up a Straw Man.
Everything that Rich Greedy Pigs do to innocent people is not Unique to Hollywood Liberals.
And trying to claim such is stupid.
I don't believe it's more common in Hollywood than the rest of the world. It's just that the people involved are usually in the public eye. Therefore it draws a lot more attention than the general public.
shareIt's difficult to say why, or to blame any one aspect. Some say it's a way of exerting power over others, though there are plenty of people in the 'biz (coughHarvey Weinsteincough) who didn't use that kind of abuse on children. It should be noted there are other factors involve too.
The artistic spheres often attract a lot of weirdos and eccentrics, and sadly, people with serious mental issues as well.
Hollywood is also a rotten environment for child stars to grow up in, because you've got a kid/teen who has to act in front of a camera for 8 hours a day, and their spare time is spent with a personal tutor their parents have hired to do schoolwork. There is a lot of ignorance about how the 'biz works behind closed doors as well. Just look at what happened when Miley Cyrus's parents let Disney Channel's producers take charge of her. They had no idea that the people in charge of a children's tv channel were a bunch of scumbags and corrupt assholes who allowed an underage girl to become just as gross and corrupt. Too often there are parents just like Miley's, who have no clue just how dirty the people are who run Hollywood.
Incidentally, the few child stars whose parents were smart enough to be their managers and protect them, didn't do much in the 'biz once they had hit it big, nor were they popular with a lot of the scumbag producers out there. Shirley Temple, Hillary Duff, and Elijah Wood are good examples. All three had better outcomes in their acting careers, because their moms protected them from the hideous antics of the people working at Hollywood. But then again, all three did very little acting in their adult lives.
The final factor is that Hollywood is a very tightly knit community. The people there protect each other if it means they get something out of it. They let different bigwigs get away with bad behavior because the studios and people involved get a good movie, money, and fame out of it, and who cares if they hurt someone or scar them for life? Many young actors are led to believe that if they don't play by the unwritten rules, they won't achieve their dreams, and often that can be true, but for some, they never hit it big, and pay for it dearly. In some ways, it's as if people in Hollywood sell their souls for fame and fortune, and it's not just souls that are next to the price tag in the Faustian contract they willingly sign.
Because you spend so much time there.
shareWealthy enclosed community with lots of power and links to Government. And lots of bright eyed young people who think they will become stars.
shareim pretty sure theyre not childs anymore, but teenager. the law in the states is stupid. childhood ends at 14 latest.