> I've witnessed such a mess in a military hospital during my service.
A friend told me a funny story about something that happened to her during her Marine Corps service. She went to the doctor for some small problem, and when he arrived in the examination room he took her chart and looked over it. He then said, "all right, last time you were you were having problems with [some medical thing] and were prescribed [some drug], how is that working out?" -- describing things that had never happened to her.
"I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about, sir."
"Well, you've had problems with ___ in the past, haven't you? It says so here."
"May I see that, sir?"
He handed the chart to her. Now, she's about 5'3", white, with blonde hair. She saw the problem immediately -- her name is Michelle, and the chart was for a man named Michael with the same surname. Then she, a mere corporal, looked at this senior officer and said, "Sir, do I look like a six-foot-four black man to you?"
He was quite embarrassed but took it well, from what she said.