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Would you ever accept a job where boss' wife or husband works in the same office? Do you think it's a red flag?

Run far, far away and don't ever accept the job. Nothing good ever comes out of that. Or any form of nepotism. Major morale killer.

It's human nature to want to protect your own family. Especially if the spouse works in an influential position in the company. Employee will always be "wrong".


I worked at a restaurant where the wife ran the front and the husband ran the back. I never had any issues with it and it was the best restaurant job I ever had.

Restaurant work is a truck load of work that never stops but she did a great job with the wait staff and the dining room and he kept the kitchen running like a well oiled machine.

I have also worked in an office job where the two sons of the owner were executives. The place made so much money that there weren't any issues. You could tell that the sons were being carried, but they weren't jerks about it and the company made enough money that all involved were well compensated.

I do wonder how it would have been if the profit margin was not so large.


guess you never moved all movers are family with wives bookkeepers and children workers, not everyone works in an office


I had a job where the boss divorced his wife and gave the woman he had been having an affair with the second-in-command role in the whole organization even though she had absolutely no experience in that industry.


I bet that was a terrible toxic environment to work for.


Most definitely. Earlier on when the boss was still married to his first wife, he would come in to the office loudly complaining to everybody about how she refused to do certain "intimate acts" for him. Not the kind of thing we wanted to hear about. Thankfully I didn't have to deal with the guy regularly. I felt bad for my supervisor and other more senior people who did have to deal with him more directly. But we were all subjected to his screaming fits whenever he found stuff to complain about.


I worked in a cafe once owned by a husband and wife. The wife had the food knowledge the husband sold cars but that didn't stop him from trying to everyone how to do things. Then the wife would come in and ask why you are doing it that way. We would tell her and I really have to wonder how many arguments they had because he couldn't just keep his nose out of things.
