favourite books you read this year?
i just finished a book today, & updated my goodreads account.
i just took a glance, and i see that according to my account, this was my 48th book of the year.
not a brag. i just have a lot of spare time. or more than most people, anyway. & lots of people probably read more than that.
perhaps i shouldn't read quite so quickly, though. in going through most of the titles, i found myself straining to remember some of them.
i'd say the best books i read were, in no particular order:
say nothing by patrick radden keefe (with a hat tip to hownos for his recommendation of that title)
nutshell - ian mcewan - definitely the best book i've ever read that was narrated by an unborn child.
ubik - pk dick (i re-read about 15 dick books this year - i like all of them a lot, but this is probably my favourite)
the anti-chomsky reader (co-editor berlinski is a complete nut, but there's some good stuff in here)
how innovation works - matt ridley
the road - cormac mccarthy
open borders - bryan caplan
last days at hot slit - andrea dworkin
anyone read anything that stuck with them? i'm always looking for something new.