MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > We really don’t have any good movies abo...

We really don’t have any good movies about the 80’s

Other than Boogie Nights, nothing really portrays the era authentically and gives you the feeling you are there. Every other depiction I’ve seen seems like a caricature of the decade. In addition to the period details, Boogie Nights showed the decadence of the time period, that the world wasn’t just some idyllic fantasy land where everyone was carefree and the world was a safe place. Can you think of any? Never saw Wonderland but I’m sure it’s not that great, no one can beat Alfred Molina dancing around in his underwear freebasing cocaine.




This Is England (2006) did a good job of capturing early 80's Britain. My only gripe with that movie was not using enough music of the time.


Sid and Nancy!


Great one!

Wall Street is a pretty perfect time capsule of the 80s too


Yeah it is, I really meant movies made about the decade though after the fact


OK, gotcha👍
I can't really think of one now that you mention it


Yeah the best ones were made in that decade


That would be the late 70s.


Yeah. Sid Vicious was dead before the 80s started.


I quite enjoyed Take Me Home Tonight (2011) I like to watch it every now and again.


The Lives of Others (2006) - East Germans can get nostalgic for the 80s, too 😀


such an uplifting movie.


Apparently the TV show ' Stranger Things ' was set in the 1980's and was well regarded by some as having the right look and feel. And some people say the same sort of thing about the video game Grand Theft Auto - Vice City.
