MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Movies you felt went for too long/had sc...

Movies you felt went for too long/had scenes that were too long?

Face/Off comes to mind for me, I liked the film but towards the end it was just getting dull. The chase scene on the speedboats as well was a little too long for me.

Batman vs Superman I recall the fight scene towards the end just dragging.

All the Transformers films. Just too long.


Kickpuncher 2. The kickering

The punchkicking scene




Let’s recreate it


You should star in The Happening 2: The Slappening


Suspiria (18)
It was an hour longer than the 1977 original and felt absolutely plodding in sections


holy cow, yes. there was no need for that movie to be so endlessly long. it had some great stuff in it, but criminy i thought its length absolutely killed its impact.


agreed 100%
Suspiria (2018) just freaking felt like forever


Meet Joe Black (1998)

Running time three long hours. Flawed but still a great movie.


I wouldn’t remove a second of that film, it’s a perfect 3 hour epic.


I was just about to say, Meet Joe Black. Hah-hah. I kept looking at my watch; it was so boring and long.


Half of Quintin Tarantino's films and at least 4 of his scenes therein. And I like most of his shit, too.


I like Tarantino a lot but I get what you mean

Django, Basterds, Hateful and Hollywood were very long!

I like his dialogue, star casts, soundtracks and plots so much that going along with the long run times is worth it for me but I totally get your point


Those examples specifically had scenes that got stretched to the point of breaking. It ain't good when the audience starts looking at each other. I agree with you about the whole package being cool enough that I don't mind and am enjoying the sometimes long ride. But then he makes me watch a cave mouth with sounds coming out of it for 60 seconds.


Which is odd given he is inspired by B Grade pulp which doesn’t tend to be very long. But then he also makes his films with budgets bigger than some African countries.


Yes. Case in point: Jackie Brown. The guy just can’t bring himself to edit his imaginary genius.


Speed (1994) after the bomb on the bus is rectified what follows seems kind of pointless.


Not really they couldn't let the bad guy get away with all the people he killed.


Yeah but he could have been swiftly tracked down and killed, instead they created a whole third act on a train. I don’t mind it myself but it’s a bit flabby and unnecessary after such a lean film.


Yep that is what I mean. Usually you have a second Police team investigating and pursuing the bad guy but perhaps because it was a Keanu vehicle (pun intended) we get Keanu then going after Bad guy himself which just draws things out making the bus sequence a false ending.


Sure but it could have been wrapped up in another way/quicker. Usually you would have two Police teams, one dealing with the bus itself and the other investigating and raiding the bad guy's home.


The other cop did investigate and raid the bad guy's home. A bomb was waiting for him.


ah yeah i recall now, I really did get bored at that point of the film. Dennis Hopper always bores me too.


Speed is probably my favourite movie at the moment. So I'd have to disagree. Ive definitely lost count of how many times I've watched it.


While the finale on the subway hardly makes any sense, it was too soon to end such an adrenaline ride.




the deerhunter - the interminable wedding. what were they thinking ?


I'm not a fan of that film in general, yes the wedding scene is boring and too long. Given the running time of the film parts seem rushed as well, like how quickly they go from enlisting to Vietnam and it seems like when we see them in 'Nam they have been there a while already. I would have preferred some kind of transition scene from home life to training to war zone.

Too much time wasted on weddings at the expense of more important parts.


God that wedding was long. It went on and on.


The whole film is so long and yet still doesn’t manage to tell t try he story properly. The wedding scene is pure indulgence by the director and could be cut completely.


Roundhay Garden Scene, it just ambles along aimlessly with nothing to say. What's with that?
