MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > So don't watch it

So don't watch it

Anyone else see entirely too much complaining and overanalyzing when it comes to "woke" elements on the screen? If you're deliberately seeking it , you'll find it (or imagine it) in every friggin show and movie. Why not read or go for a walk? Not everything has a political agenda. And even if it does, just don't watch if it irks you. Because you're irking me. Have a good night all.


Well said Allison!


If a post complaining about woke elements irks you, just don't read it. Maybe go for a walk instead. Good night.


If a post complaining about people complaining about woke elements irks you, just don't read it. Maybe go for a walk instead. Good night.


If a post complaining about people complaining about people complaining about woke elements irks you, just don't read it. Maybe go for a walk instead. Good night.


If a post complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining about woke elements irks you, just don't read it. Maybe go for a walk instead. Good night.


If a post complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining about woke elements irks you, just don't read it. Maybe go for a walk instead. Good night.


I'll edit if u will


Maybe go for a woke instead.


I dont read them* , but the subject lines constantly at the top of the list for any given film constantly being
"woke leftys have taken over with their pc agendas"
reminds me how many vocal white racist asshats are on this site , and therefore in society.

*I lied to make a point , i do read them.


You shouldn't lie.


Yes that is the old "Yellow Volkswagen bug" theory.

Theory being back in the day, when Volkswagen bugs were popular, that if you are activity looking for a yellow Volkswagen bug, you will notice more of them on the road.

The same can be applied to woke stuff.

So when I hear a familiar 'woke' narrative come along, I punch bug my wife and change the channel.




In some moments it is justified but so many times it's overreactions about basically nothing.


Given how badly these movies and tv shows do more often than not it would seem that many people are bored by the Woke trip.

More importantly it also signifies that the Woke people tend not to watch film.


As someone who used to enjoy movies, television, and art, I find that I cannot escape "woke" elements in all of these things. That's a valid reason to be resentful because "wokery" and its very specific politics is now often considered more important than good writing. That is stupid and it shouldn't be there at all, and there shouldn't be anyone excusing it or defending it at all. If you cannot or will not see that, then you suck and are part of the problem, simple as that.

What am I even saying? keep up the good work, shaming people smart enough to perceive leftist propaganda in the media will get Trump elected again! :)


Hear hear!


👏 << -- thats a clapping hands emoji apparently.

Well said!
Totally agree!
