MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why are rich people hated?

Why are rich people hated?

I never understood this. Everyone always tries to make enough money for themselves and their family, even for future generations to not have to worry about. But when they become rich, people get so angry. If someone is a trust fund baby they are called privileged. If someone worked hard for their money and opened a trust fund for their kids, how is that a privilege? They earned that money. It's like people want you to work hard
to make just enough to get by, then once you reach a certain amount, you're considered privileged and a showoff.

This obviously doesn't include people who bend tax rules or launder money. This is about people who have worked hard for it and did it in a moral way.




It must be that.


I guarantee all the people who hate rich people would GLADLY take the money and be rich themselves and then whine about people hating them.




Wow, that's deep.


So true.


Desiring things like a living wage or equal treatment is "jealousy"? In what dictionary?


Bravo !
Of course, people will then line up and yell half-baked notions of communism and socialism as if that's an actual answer.


That wasn´t the question though. The question was "why are rich/successful people hated?"
You can want equitable treatment of civilians without hating on wealthy people.


I think so.

I cant hate people I dont know.


Not all, but a large number of them have made their money through backstabbing and stepping on others on their way up the ladder. They are being rewarded for poor behavior.


I acknowledged that in the second paragraph. It it seems like all rich people are hated automatically. Unless some wealthy CEO does something to make me question their riches, I think it's great that they worked hard.


Your second paragraph refers to illegal activities. Backstabbing may not be against the law, but it is unethical. There are those who believe in bending the rules who are cunning enough not to bend them to the point where they wander into illegal territory.

An example would be someone who buys a corporation and the first goal on the agenda is to cut the workforce. They lay off people who have put years into the company. This is done, of course, after they've insured that they and their cronies on the board of directors have their rear-ends covered. Then this person is hailed as some sort of hero for turning things around and is rewarded with a big salary, bonuses and perks. Meanwhile, all those people who were laid off are struggling to make ends meet.

I have no problem at all with someone making millions through good honest hard work or wise investments. That's a totally different story.


Plus we end up having systemic greed. So-and-so has enough $$ to influence how laws are passed and what business norms are, and soon enough we are working for below inflation wages and it's rationalized as being acceptable in a supposed free market. People are willfully ignoring growing income inequality and the shrinking middle class American Dream.
It's Dickensian.


Not every wealthy person stepped on people to get where they are, or have a morally dubious character. People just like to paint them all with the same brush.


I said "not all" in the original post.


A "large number of them". What is this based on? Your own presupposition. Would be like me saying, "a large number of poor people are poor because of laziness". An equally unfair statement not based on fact.


Read about working conditions in places like the Amazon warehouses, Walmart, fast-food restaurants... the list goes on.


Weak anecdotal evidence and you´re talking about the .0001 percenters. Not every wealthy person owns or works for an MNC.


It's mainly due to ignorant people on the left who think every millionaire and billionaire does not pay their workers enough. Frankly though these same people think people should get paid well above minimum wage no matter how few hours they work. They think someone who works 20 hours or less a week should be paid the same as someone who works 40 hours a week.


They live in an alternate reality and have no understanding.


It's like the people who don't understand how Hollywood works. Actors get paid millions of dollars because of how bankable they are. Someone working in a mine would get anywhere near that amount.


Also, just like any other profession, there are famous multimillionaire actors and a much larger group of actors who are not famous and are middle-class ordinary people and others who leave the field because they weren't able to generate sufficient income to make it a long-term career. Just as there are billionaire CEOs and then there are the owners of small businesses who are some quite well off, others middle-class, and still others going bankrupt because the business didn't succeed. These are high-risk-high-reward professions.


Exactly. There are so many levels to this, but people are treated all the same. They're grouped with corrupt people just for being rich, but a different kind of rich.


It's responses like this that cause such division and ugliness in the world. It's all the fault of the political party you don't like, regardless of the rapaciousness of the one you do.


Snepts you are correct. For every liberal complaining about someone wealthy there is a piece of trailer trash whining about a liberal elitist.


That's your MO 100% of the time. Orange man bad!! Hypocrite.


Has noting to do with Orange Man, although he's an egregious example of how the pub party has absolutely no scruples when it comes to advancing their ends. Raygun bad, W bad, Mitch McConnell bad. Party hacks who don't have an ounce of civic decency. And I never heard of any Dems going after Laura Bush the way the pub cretins like to attack Hillary and Michelle O. It's become expected and it's reprehensible.
But this is not following the subject.


More hypocritical drivel from the fringe kook, leftist. Kooks like you attack Melania, Sarah Palin, etc., etc., etc. and ANY conservative woman, with vulgarity, hate, vitriol and filth. Go back to the politics cesspit where it smells the way you like it.


Give me a break - the left smashes the right religiously. I'm a moderate and I see it done so much more to the right than the left.


The democratic party had a speech from Bill Clinton talking about what you should and shouldn't do in the Oval Office. Monica L., as an intern, gave the guy a hummer in the Oval Office.

He not only was proven to go to Epstein's island, but the media is covering up for him and buried the report.

Check out his sexual misconduct wiki page:

Biden has a history of sexual misconduct and his own party says they have to look past it. Many MeToo proponents like Alyssa Milano have gone on record saying they are looking past it, even though they hounded Cavenaugh's nomination. My god, Kamala Harris is quoted as 'believing women' that claim Biden assaulted them, yet she accepted his Vice President nomination. What kind of scruples does the Democratic party have when their VP candidate is okay going to the White House with a sexual abuser????


If you really want to talk about it, it's because of how income inequality has just become worse and worse. No one is saying that one shouldn't be able to do well for themselves. But, when you look at Elon Musk making 8 billion dollars in 1 day??? There's something wrong with that. Especially when self made billionaires company's usually have employees that still need food stamps.(amazon/walmart)

Now you say that those are low paying positions, but why should they be. I'm not saying that they should make millions or anything like that, but if the CEO and stockholders can make millions or billions, shouldn't employees be able to pay rent and buy food?

When we look at CEOs of major companies and how much they make, there is still such inequality. Yes they went to the good schools, and got the good degrees, but so did many others. Should they really make 1000x more? What's wrong with just 10x more?


I'm not 100% sure about the numbers, but I believe the richest 1% of people in the world are responsible for 50% of the World's wealth. I find that a problem, but at the same time, what can really be done? We keep using Amazon to give Bezos his millions. We buy Apple products to give Tim Cook his millions. They earned that money from the money they put into it.

But we're aiming too high here. Let's just say you're some rich lawyer who owns his own small law firm, they'll still be looked at as some privileged jerk who piggybacked of the little guys.


I don't buy products off of Amazon. I shop locally.

I don't have a problem with a lawyer who owns a firm and makes good money. I don't have a problem if he makes a few million. Chances are his employees don't have to work 3 jobs and rely on government assistance to make ends meet. I have problems with billionaires and multimillionaires who make their money off of the backs of their workers and then make society despise those workers because they want to be paid a decent wage. Those who decry that minimum wage is for teenagers and that people should just be thankful to have a job. Why should someone who works 40 hours a week not be able to pay rent? Even if it is just working at McDonald's.


Those who decry that minimum wage is for teenagers and that people should just be thankful to have a job.

Usually the people who say that are super rich. *Cough* Elon Musk.


Chances are his employees don't have to work 3 jobs and rely on government assistance to make ends meet.

On what basis do you say that? Their employees are different than those who work for the "super rich"? Those small business owners make their money "off of the backs of their workers", as does anyone in a supervisory position and whoever is above them makes their money off their backs. Unless hierarchy is completely eliminated, that will never change.


You're changing the point. Having a heirarchy of pay and responsibilities isn't the issue. It's when a very wealthy company owner is out of touch with what the company policies are doing to the work force, justifying poor wages and conditions simply to rake in astronomical amounts for the few.


I'm not changing the point at all. It's called expanding on points made in a discussion. Who are you to say "a very wealthy company owner is out of touch with what the company policies are doing to the work force"?? What makes you an authority? Start your own company and run it the way you want. If a company is conducting itself in a legal fashion, it's not for you to say. Don't like it? Hit 'em in the wallet and don't use them. I KNOW you have and use products and services from the very companies you deride. That's called hypocrisy.


What's wrong with just 10% more instead of 1000x more? I'll tell you what - nobody has any right to determine what is fair for someone to make. It is a slippery slope and we unfortunately headed down it at warp speed.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Musk making 8 billion in one day as long as it legal. Yes there is inequality because the folks that have figured out how to make lots of money simply have something in them that the majority of people do not possess. If this wasn't true then people who start out with nothing and become wealthy would not be possible.

The playing field is not level, not because opportunities don't exist, but simply because some people have the ability to figure out how to make life work while others, regardless of the amount of money they make or the jobs they have will never succeed, will always be in debt, will always be jealous of the people who have more.


some people are just smarter and work harder.


If that's all you believe then I'm very disappointed.


you have never met an entrepreneur??


While I certainly think a lot of the existing rules and laws are unfair in themselves and somewhat directly benefit the rich while keeping the poor down, I don't think CEO's that play by the rules are the problem. They are playing the game the way it's set up.

Unfortunately many of the people that benefit from these rules also make the rules.

It's not always just a matter of work ethic, although this is true a lot too.

To answer OP's question it's really as simple as jealousy of what one doesn't have. But you know, I really don't hold this against people too much. Nobody on this forum is perfect, and I guarantee the majority of people here think about at least one thing they wish they had but don't.


I don't think CEO's that play by the rules are the problem. They are playing the game the way it's set up.



But thinking about things you don't have and grudging others for having them are two different things.


Right, although I don't think that many people begrudge others for their money. OP is making a blanket generalization.


Yeah, why Robin Hood is a hero?? He's a thief!


Yes! I even thought this as a kid. Why should a rich person have money taken away from them simply for being rich? It should be that Robin Hood steals back from the thieves to give money to the poor.


Even better, Robin should educate poor people and train them some cool skills... maybe archery so they can hunt instead of simply giving them EZ moneyz.


When people first meet me I'm normally wearing shorts, flip flops, Rock band t-shirt, ray bans and they have no idea about me (sometimes the watch is a giveaway). When the know me a bit better they might see the car and the house and the toys, but hopefully by then they'll have judged me on my character, not on the material stuff.

Those that know me well are aware that I came from absolutely nothing and have worked for every penny I own. I hope that people don't judge me too harshly. For the record, I pay all my staff way over the going rate and have assembled an awesome crew over the years, leading to virtually zero staff turnover.

Unless someone acquires wealth unfairly, I find myself inspired by successful people.


The sad thing is that people will ways judge you. If you have tattoos, you'll be called a gang member. If you vote for a certain politician, people will think you're racist or something else. Even if you're bald, people will think you have cancer. It always takes time to get to know someone. Unless you like Justin Bieber. Those people don't deserve respect.


I’m somehow able to filter out the Bieber; imagine a mental Ignore button.


There is always someone who thinks that they know how much someone else should make. Then there's people who know how to capitalize on that politically. The poor will always outnumber the rich and thus you can depend on the majority of their vote by promising to help the poor and stick it to the rich (even if you don't ever keep your promise).

Funny how the freedom to have that hate evaporates under champagne socialism where no one is rich but the leaders whom will jail you.

Many have complaints about the mega-rich but suffer when they leave their country.


The poor will always outnumber the rich and thus you can depend on the majority of their vote by promising to help the poor and stick it to the rich (even if you don't ever keep your promise).

Very interesting point.


Your premise is flawed from the start. YOU say rich people are hated. How so?
Of course people will envy those who have much more than they do. That doesn't equate to hatred.
So you're just throwing out some half-baked thought to see all the knuckle draggers spew more half-baked thoughts about some argument that was specious to begin with.


You're just talking out of your ass, as usual.


If this is an example of what you have to offer the discussion, I'll bear that in my when your name comes up. At least I'm arguing the topic and not making ad hom attacks like you simply because you don't have anything of substance to add.


That's all you do. Hypocrite.


For example, once a celebrity states their opinion on something, it's always followed by: "why should we care about what some rich celebrity says?" They go straight for attacks on their wealth.


Just let them eat cakes!
